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Gaining a New Life by Practicing Falun Dafa, Resolving Family Conflicts

Jan. 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was born into a military family. Because my grandmother was classified as a “rich farmer” and was criticized in the 1960s, my father had to join the army in order to change our family status and prevent us from being targeted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While in the military, my father’s unit was dispatched to Tibet to participate in suppressing the Tibetans. 

My father had many talents. He was good at calligraphy, painting, writing, playing musical instruments, and singing. He also had the unique skill of setting bones for people whse bones had been fracture. He had played various roles in society, such as school principal, director of the revolutionary committee of the conservatory of music, head of the military propaganda section, doctor, and more. 

My father was very active in many CCP movements and was deeply poisoned by the CCP indoctrination. He often said, “There is also class struggle at home.” He would always fight with my mother and beat us children whenever he got a chance, and he would also sow discord among us sisters, which had resulted in our family never being at peace. But in front of outsiders, my father appeared very kind. Not only that, he would flirt with women in the society and bully my mother at home. As a result, I resented my father since childhood, and I once even thought about publishing a statement in a newspaper to sever our father-daughter relationship. 

I had the strongest personality among my siblings and I often showed resistance to my father. Therefore, he hated me the most and treated me the most harshly. I was admitted to a key high school, but he refused to support me financially. For that reason, I had to attend a general vocational high school instead and became a worker after graduation. The job was rather tiring, which made me hate my father even more, and I didn’t even want to see him when he was sick. My painful childhood resulted in my having very low self-esteem, I would keep everything to myself and I was narrow-minded. Since I was young, I had suffered from various diseases such as rheumatism, stomach problems, and I could easily catch a cold that would last a few months each time. I often thought of committing suicide, but I didn’t have the courage to do so. Looking back, I see that I was likely suffering from clinical depression. 

Resolving My Conflicts with My Father

My neighbor recommended that I read the book Zhuan Falun in July 1997, the main text of Falun Dafa. However, I was deeply poisoned by atheism and refused to read it. Later I found that, no matter which household I went to visit, I would always see the book. I felt it was as if a power guided me to see the book and I was so curious that I finally took the book home and read straight to the end. When I read it, I realized that the book is precious and isn’t an ordinary book. My soul was shocked, and I knew the purpose of being a human and how I should behave. I found the answers in the book for all the questions in my life. My resentment disappeared, and my heart was so open, relaxed, and free! I was extremely happy and only regretted not reading Zhuan Falun earlier.

From then on, I remained on the path of cultivation. I was the most fortunate person in the world, and I recovered from all my illnesses. No matter what conflicts I encountered, I wouldn’t get stuck on any issue. No matter where I was, I could remember to hold myself to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. At work, I worked diligently, and at home, I completely let go of my resentment for my father. No matter what I did for him, I would first think from his perspective. My father was very happy and liked to discuss many things with me. He once said to our housemaid, “She is so kind. I owe her the most of all my children.” 

Clarifying the Truth to My Father Amidst the Persecution 

Former CCP leader Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. The rogue regime slandered and defamed the practice, especially by using the staged self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square, which made people petrified when encountering Falun Gong practitioners. 

Police officers often came to my home to harass me. The managers at my workplace picked up my father, who had recently had a stroke, and took him to my home, trying to use my sentimentality for him to force me to give up the practice. They also threatened me with dismissing me from my job. I talked to them about the suspicious points in the “self-immolation” incident, what Falun Dafa is all about, why I practice it, the transformations I’ve been through since practicing it, and so on. But, the CCP branch head of my work place said, “Our country is ruled by one Party—you can’t win!” 

As I refused to give up cultivation, I was fired. My father threw a fit when he found out, and my second older sister who was closest to me said that she’d cut off her relationship with me. No matter how my family treated me, I didn’t resent them, and still treated them well as usual. 

Both my father and my second older sister are doctors, and my father had a unique skill in treating bone injuries and burns. Based on their medical knowledge, I pointed out for them the suspicious facts in the “self-immolation” incident: In the TV program broadcast by the CCP, the people who participated in the “self-immolation” with burns were covered in plaster and wrapped in thick bandages. It is common knowledge that the burns are not treated that way. Another suspicious point in the program was when a reporter interviewed one of the supposed burn victims, and he didn’t wear the protective cloth and not even a mask, which is against the aseptic operation procedure. After hearing these points, they both became clear immediately. 

I showed my father the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and asked him to quit the CCP organizations. I said, “I’m your daughter, I won’t harm you. Back then, you went to Tibet to put down a revolt by Tibetans, but it wasn’t because they rebelled, but rather to crush their belief in gods. The CCP couldn’t tolerate that, so they sent you to crack down on them.” He lowered his head, admitting what I said was true. I continued, “Look at how evil the CCP is, they forced you soldiers to do that, creating such huge karma. Why would you want to go down with it? Please quickly quit the CCP.” He happily agreed. 

Prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when I was looking after my mother who had a high fever, two police officers and a few people from the street committee came to my home. The two officers arrested me, and took me to a brainwashing center. I went on a hunger strike there to resist the persecution. 

Two days later, being afraid of the consequences, they had to take me home. My father was very worried and asked, “Did they torture you?” Later when the head of the police station came to my home to harass me, my father was very upset with him, so the officer walked away. At that time, my second older sister was taking a training course in another city and after she learned about the incident, she was outraged, “What kind of law did she break, having her arrested? This is outrageous! I wasn’t home. But if I were, I’d have hit whoever tried to take her away with a big shovel!” 

Resolving a Family Conflict 

My oldest brother was a hot-tempered person and attached a lot of importance to self-interest. He and my father were always at odds. The last batch of welfare apartments allocated by my father’s work unit were originally not for retirees, but because my second older sister’s friend was the head of my father’s company, my father got a favor and was given an apartment. But before he even got the apartment, my father said he didn’t want it because he was afraid that it would be left to his son after his passing away, and he didn’t want to leave his son anything. This specific matter was hard to resolve, so my sister bought it herself. 

That day, we sisters went to our brother’s place to see our mother. When he asked about the apartment, he became furious when he heard that my sister had bought it. He beat her and caused a chaotic situation for the whole family. I quickly dragged my brother away to sit down in a separate room. And I told my sister, “Hurry up and go to our father’s place.” Meanwhile my brother lost control of his emotions and planned to kill someone and then commit suicide. I said to him seriously, “My brother, do you think killing someone will settle the matter? It won’t settle it at all.” I told him the principles that I learned from Falun Dafa and told him that good and evil had its due retribution, and killing someone would create a huge amount of karma. What’s mentioned in the Dafa book is: Murder is a sin, and committing suicide is equally sinful. Even if you die, you will have to go to hell to repay the taking of life.

I told him: “Our Master tells us to look within whenever we encounter any problems. My brother, you should really think about why you can’t get along with anyone. In the workplace, you fought with your colleagues and engaged in lawsuits. You fought with neighbors and engaged in lawsuits as well. You often treated your son with violence, causing him to have a rebellious mentality and drop out of school early to learn bad things in the society. It’s because of you that our father gave up the apartment. Don’t you think about why he doesn’t want to leave a property for you? Are you happy living like that? Isn’t this all caused by yourself? You should really look inward and reflect on yourself, and you have to change, otherwise you will never be happy!” He finally calmed down and said to me: “I understand. Let’s go to our father’s place, but don’t mention what happened today!” I said happily: “Sure, no problem!” The crisis was resolved by applying Dafa’s principles.

My brother changed. He became mild-mannered and has clearly let go of selfishness, and he also treated my father a lot better. He really changed. For the past few years, he has created harmony amongst his colleagues and neighbors. At home, he resolved his grievance with his son. Now he is retired and looks after his granddaughter, living a good life. 

I hope that the precious Chinese people will understand the truth, know that Dafa teaches people to be good, and is a righteous Fa. The evil CCP is out to destroy humankind, and it undermines mankind’s morality, forcing good people to become bad. I hope Chinese people who still have kindness in their hearts will learn the truth and be saved.