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Master Helps Me Dissolve Tribulations When I Have Righteous Thoughts

Jan. 13, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I drove my daughter to Beijing by car on September 28, 2019, and was stopped by a policeman at the entrance of the highway. He asked for my ID. I told him that I didn’t bring it with me. He asked where I was going. I told him that I was going to the high-speed railway station. He checked my daughter’s ID and let us leave. But other cars were called to park on the side of the road for the ID check. 

When we came back in the evening, my daughter asked me to sit in the back seat and said that she would drive because the police checked the cars strictly at the entrance of the highway. I sat in the back seat sending righteous thoughts to dissolve any interference. People with no ID cards in front of us were made to have a facial recognition check. The police only looked at my daughter and didn’t ask her anything. My daughter later asked me if I was sending forth righteous thoughts. I said, “Yes.”

Disease Control Personnel: “It Was Misdiagnosed”

I came back from a provincial city by bus on May 9, 2022. One of the passengers received a call and he was told that a passenger in his carriage on the train had contracted COVID. All of the passengers in the bus had to be isolated in an isolation center. We didn’t know how long we would be isolated. 

I pleaded with Master to help me. It would be May 13World Falun Dafa Day, in a few days. I needed to go home to celebrate Master’s birthday and to validate the Fa. Practitioners were waiting for me and the goods I had bought for them. I sent forth strong righteous thoughts. 

At about 10 a.m. the next day, disease control personnel told us to go because the case had been misdiagnosed. We did not have to be isolated after all. 

I was very thankful to Master in my heart. 

“No One Shall Interfere with Me”

When the CCP held its “Two Sessions” in March this year, facial recognition checks were required at the entrance of the highway. People rolled down their car windows, and put their heads out to face a big screen. When I came back from another city, I sent forth strong righteous thoughts: “I must have my normal life. No one shall interfere with me.” When I looked at the big screen, nothing happened. My car passed through without an issue. 

Master Gave Me an Apartment

My husband got all of our property and also got custody of our two children when we divorced. I had nothing. But I didn’t argue with him. I rented an apartment. Our children came to live with me and didn’t want to live with their father. 

The landlord told me that he was going to sell the apartment two months later. I had expected to stay there for at least two years. When I moved in, it was dark and dirty. Several windows, the door lock, a bed, and some other items were broken. The landlord didn’t care. I had them repaired out of my own pocket. I painted the apartment as well. I felt very tired after everything was sorted out. 

I wept when the landlord said that he was going to sell the apartment. It was such a difficult situation to not have my own apartment. I asked my ex-husband to provide a place for us to stay. He didn’t care. I discussed it with my landlord and he agreed that he wouldn’t sell the apartment until I had stayed there for one year. 

I started to look for an apartment two months before the lease was due. It was not easy to find an appropriate apartment because my children lived with me. I had to consider the location, size, and environment of the apartment. I finally found one but the furniture was old, and some items were broken. It was dirty and smelly. It took me a while to clean and put everything together. I was exhausted and sat on the sofa crying. I had moved three times in three years. 

I told my children to ask their father if he would let us stay in his smallest apartment so that we wouldn’t have to move anymore. He agreed but said that no one else should come to the apartment. I didn’t accept the arrangement. 

Later on I talked to my ex-husband several times. I asked him if he ever felt guilty as he had three apartments but our children and I didn’t have a stable place to live. We had been together for more than 30 years and I should have had half of the property. I didn’t argue with him when he took all of it. I said, “You gained custody of the children but they don’t want to live with you. They don’t have a place to live. Is your conscience okay with this?”

I memorized the following Fa

“Meanwhile, people also must have a human living space and the conditions to live, and these should also be safeguarded. Human beings still need to maintain their lives and live normally.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

I realized that I should have a living space and live normally. I had read this Fa so many times but hadn’t enlightened to anything. This time it hit me: I must have a place to live. 

I said to Master: “Master, I am a Falun Dafa practitioner and have a mission. I came down to assist Master with saving sentient beings. I cultivate in Dafa and am blessed. I must have a human living space and living conditions. I shouldn’t have no place to live. I spent a lot of time and energy looking for a place and cleaning and organization everything when I moved into a new place. It interfered with my time to save sentient beings. This is not the state a Falun Dafa practitioner should have. My ex-husband took my share of the property, which was not good for him. These resources should belong to Dafa. He must give me an apartment.” 

Sometime later, my ex-husband visited me and said he would not rent out the smallest apartment and he would renovate it and give it to me unconditionally so our children would have a place to live. He also said that Heaven wouldn’t allow it if he didn’t give me the apartment. I realized that I had enlightened to this Fa and Master had given me the apartment. Thank you, Master!