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65-Year-Old Man Serving 7 Years Suffers Severe Medical Condition, Released on Parole Without Being Told His Health Exam Results

Jan. 12, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 65-year-old man serving seven years for his faith in Falun Gong was suddenly released on medical parole on November 6, 2023. The prison authorities refused to share Mr. Tian Shisheng’s health exam results with him or his family. An insider revealed that tumors were found everywhere in Mr. Tian’s intestines. 

Mr. Tian and his wife Ms. Tian Shulan, of Tangshan City, Hebei Province, were arrested on July 3, 2019 for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual belief that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime since 1999. They were both convicted in December 2019, with Mr. Tian receiving seven years and his wife five years. 

Mr. Tian was admitted to the No. 4 Prison of the Jidong Branch of the Hebei Province Prison Administration Bureau (“Jidong No. 4 Prison” for short) on May 19, 2020.

The Jidong Branch of the Hebei Province Prison Administration Bureau has eight prisons and they are all located in Tangshan City, Hebei Province.

Mr. Tian was later transferred to the Jidong No. 2 Prison at an unknown time. He began noticing pus and blood in his stool in July 2022 and the condition persisted. He requested to have a medical examination in November that year but the prison management used various excuses to turn him down. 

As his condition kept worsening, Mr. Tian made repeated requests for medical examinations and vowed to report the prison’s inaction to its supervising agency. The prison management finally took him to an outside hospital in March 2023 to see an expert. The expert blurted out upon seeing his test results, “Why didn’t you take him here earlier?” 

The prison then took Mr. Tian to a better hospital, Tangshan Union Hospital, and kept him there for nine days. The doctors there only ran tests on him without giving him any medicine or treatments. It was unclear whether the prison authorities ordered them to do so. 

Mr. Tian was taken back to the prison on the 10th day and reassigned to a cell for the ill and infirm. 

Without telling him his test results, the prison released Mr. Tian on medical parole on November 6, 2023. 

Arrested and Sentenced

About 14 officers from the local police station and police department barged into Mr. Tian’s home on the morning of July 3, 2019 and arrested him and his wife. Their computers, printers, Falun Gong books, over 10,000 yuan in cash, and many other valuables were confiscated.

The couple were part of a group arrest of nine practitioners that same day. The police have been monitoring the practitioners’ movements by tapping their phones and following them for at least two weeks before making the arrests.

The couple were detained in the Tangshan No. 1 Detention Center and secretly sentenced to prison by the Lubei District Court in December 2019.

Health Restored Through Practicing Falun Gong

Mr. Tian was hospitalized in 1997 when he discovered blood in his stool. The doctors told him that he was in serious condition and needed blood transfusions. Within a short period of time, he’d spent all his family savings and money he’d borrowed on his medical expenses. His family took him home after the hospital could not accurately diagnose the cause of his condition. 

Because Mr. Tian could no longer work, his wife struggled to support and take care of him and their young son. Due to the stress, she suffered several heart attacks.

At the end of 1997, an acquaintance introduced the couple to Falun Gong and told them that their illnesses could be cured by reading the Falun Gong book. They decided to give it a try. Mr. Tian regained his health and was able to return to work. Ms. Tian’s heart disease was also cured.

As a carpenter, Mr. Tian stopped taking kickbacks from suppliers after he took up Falun Gong. Some merchants stuffed his pockets with cash but he always returned it. They were baffled as to why he turned them down when it was norm for merchants to offer kickbacks to carpenters in their business dealings. He always let them know that he had learned from Falun Gong to be a person of integrity and not take things that did not belong to him.

Related reports:

Tangshan Couple Secretly Sentenced to Prison for Their Faith

Tangshan City, Hebei Province: Nine Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in One Day