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My Experiences of How People Came to Trust Me and Believed What I Said

Jan. 10, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Huayu in China

(Minghui.org) I’m an 80-year-old woman who has been practicing Falun Dafa for 26 years. Before I cultivated in Dafa, I suffered from many illnesses, such as migraines, cardiac arrhythmia, breast enlargement, and gynecological problems. I sought medical treatment and spent all my family’s savings, but did not see any improvement in my health. I was constantly in a bad mood and would easily lose my temper.

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and followed Master Li’s (Dafa’s founder) teachings according to the standards of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I took no medication or injections and, in less than two months, all my diseases disappeared. I had inexhaustible energy: I could carry a five-kilogram (about 11 lb) bag of flour in each hand and walk a quarter kilometer (about 0.16 miles) with ease. I could bike faster than many young people. My rough and tanned skin became lighter, and the freckles on my face went away. I was happy all day, and people said I was like a new person.

Master taught us:

“That’s because a practitioner should demonstrate that he is a good person wherever he is.” (“Teaching the Fa and Answering Questions in Guangzhou” in Explaining the Teachings of Zhuan Falun)

A few years ago, our residential building didn’t have a property manager, and cigarette butts, paper scraps, etc. would constantly litter the hallways. I bought a broom and dustpan and swept the hallways of every floor at least once a week. If there were special circumstances, I would clean up any time when it was needed. Many visitors said: “My, the hallways here are so clean!” When it snowed, my husband and I would sweep snow in front of the building as soon as we could. If it snowed in the evening, we would have cleared the snow by the time everyone woke up. Residents often exclaimed: “We are really in your good graces. Thank you!”

My neighbor across the hall had a little girl and sometimes had trouble cooking meals while looking after the youngster. I would often help her by watching and playing with the girl. She would often brag to others that she was lucky to have such a good neighbor.

My family lives on the fourth floor. There was a family on the third floor with a newborn baby and, every day, there was a big bag of garbage in front of their door. Whenever I went downstairs, I would take down the garbage bag for them, thinking that the man in this family worked out of town while his wife was supposed to stay indoors for a month after childbirth. Master taught us to be considerate of others, so why not do something helpful for that family?

There was a resident on the first floor who went to her son’s home, which was far away, to look after her granddaughter. One day, the electricity meter for her apartment turned off and when she came back a few months later, all the food in her refrigerator had turned rotten. Afterward, every time she went away, she would ask me to help: “We’ve thought about it; in our building, your family is the kindest and most helpful. Can you please keep an eye on my meter to see if it has tripped?” We assured her that we would help. There were indeed a few trips with their meter, and we turned it back on each time.

When I told my neighbors the facts about Falun Dafa, I advised them to do the three withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to receive blessings. They did so without hesitation, “Yes, please help us make the three withdrawals; we believe what you say!” They all benefited from doing those things and, during the pandemic, they were safe and sound.

Our apartment buildings were built in the nineties and, a few years ago, insulation needed to be added to the outside walls. I delivered boiled water, fruit, and other things to the workers. I told them about withdrawing from the CCP to keep safe and sound, and they were receptive to what I said. When the construction basket was in front of my window, they wanted to leave a sheet of insulation in my apartment, saying that it could keep our bedroom warmer in winter.

I told them I could not accept it. They said: “Other families are all eager to have it, why don’t you take it for free? Just keep it anyway; it doesn’t cost us any money.” I said: “I appreciate your thoughtful offer, but I don’t want to take the insulation. Our Master told us to be good people and not take advantage of others.” They praised Master Li for being so marvelous and for teaching practitioners to be good people.

There is a bank near my home that gives its customers points for making deposits, which can be exchanged for rice, flour, and other food staples. I once made a deposit and went home without checking the points in my points book. I later found I had accrued nearly six hundred unearned points, which meant I could get ten bags of flour, each of which was about ten pounds.

I rushed back to the bank and whispered to the person in charge, “Can we have a private chat?” She said yes. In her office, I showed her the points in my book. She understood that there had been an error and corrected it right away. She shook my hand and said: “Auntie, you’re so kind. Otherwise, our bank would have lost a lot of money. Thank you so much!” In fact, it’s not that I’m so kind, it’s that Falun Dafa is so good. In today’s world of declining morals, Master Li said, “Dafa is the solution stopping society’s downward slide” (“Universal Illumination” in Hong Yin Volume II).

Once when I was out buying vegetables, I saw a lady at a vegetable stand to whom I had explained the facts about Dafa, and she knew that Falun Dafa is good. That day, a man on a tricycle ran over several bunches of her cilantro, and the driver didn’t stop to apologize. She was so angry that she wailed. I rushed to comfort her: “Don’t be angry; it’s not worth it if you harm your health. The driver didn’t do it on purpose. I will buy the crushed cilantro as it’s still edible.”

She exclaimed loudly in front of many people: “This lady is so nice; she is not picky when buying vegetables, and she never asks for a lower price. Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. Only the former CCP head Jiang Zemin slanders Falun Dafa, and I don’t believe the lies he made up. If all people were like Falun Dafa practitioners, China would have been a better place a long time ago!”

In January 2023, Master published the article “How Humankind Came To Be” for all human beings, which was a manifestation of His immeasurable compassion. I memorized the article, and I would give it to my neighbors and the people who have a predestined relationship with me. I urged them to respect the article and read it repeatedly. I would tell them that it contains heavenly secrets and should be treasured so they would receive divine blessings. Most people readily accepted what I said and were thankful from the bottom of their hearts for Master’s compassionate salvation.

Thank you, Master.