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Viewing the Situation from the Other Person’s Point of View

Sept. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My husband and I took a high-speed train recently. He wanted to eat lunch shortly before noon. I was unhappy as it was my time to send righteous thoughts, so I told him firmly that we would eat lunch at 12:10 p.m. I ignored him as he played videos on his smartphone while I sent righteous thoughts.

Afterward, I asked him to buy lunch, but he ignored me and kept his eyes closed. I knew he was upset with me. I always thought that he was narrow-minded, but I immediately realized that I must look within because I am a cultivator. He only had a pack of instant noodles at 6 a.m. that morning so he must have been really hungry by then.

I know it’s correct for me to send forth righteous thoughts at the set time, but I shouldn’t make him wait to eat, or he might have negative thoughts about Dafa. I felt bad and didn’t want my husband to have bad thoughts about Dafa. How should I deal with it? I should acknowledge his needs, buy something, and let him eat first. I could have bought food first and then sent righteous thoughts before I ate.

It was the first time I'd ever ridden a high-speed train, so I didn’t know where the food was sold. I silently asked Master to help me. Shortly afterward an attendant walked by with a boxed meal and said it was the last one and it was braised pork ribs. My husband said he didn’t eat ribs and closed his eyes.

I was not moved and believed that my husband should not go hungry because I sent forth righteous thoughts. A few minutes later, a young man walked by with a meal box. I asked him where he'd bought it. He said it was from car 13. I went and asked the attendant what meals she had. “Braised pork ribs,” she said. I was disappointed and asked if she had anything else.

“Steamed fish with chopped chili,” and then added, “I assumed you don’t eat spicy dishes.” I bought one and took it to my husband. He was surprised any food was still available and he immediately began to eat. After he finished eating, he smiled and began to talk to me.

From then on, I noticed an obvious change in my husband. Every time I went to another room to send righteous thoughts at midnight, he turned the volume down if he was watching a video. I used to ask him to keep the volume down, but he sometimes ignored me.

I realized that practitioners should not be moved when their family members are angry—instead we should sincerely look inward for our own shortcomings and have consideration for them. We should think positively about our family members so that they can understand and support the things we do to validate Falun Dafa.

I used to think that it must be interference if someone stopped me when I read the Fa or sent righteous thoughts. I always insisted on doing what I should do as a practitioner and ignored what others wanted. I thought I was doing a good job by putting Dafa first. Now I realize that this understanding is not totally correct. Sometimes I really need to put myself in other people’s shoes, consider their ideas and difficulties, so that any conflicts will be resolved.