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Osaka and Kyoto, Japan: Parades to Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa in China

July 21, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Japan held two July 20 parades to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The parades were held in the Kansai area on July 15 and 16 in the two cities Osaka and Kyoto. Many parliament members and non-governmental supporters especially made a trip to the parade venues or sent their speeches to be read to show their support for Falun Dafa and to condemn the persecution. During the parades, the practitioners also received support and encouragement from local residents and tourists.

Mr. Inagaki, president of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association, said, “This July 20th marks the 24th anniversary of the day the CCP started its persecution of Falun Dafa. Our Falun Dafa practitioners do their best to help the Japanese people and its government to understand the truth about this persecution. Today, the situation in society has changed. More Japanese people and government personnel are starting to understand the CCP’s violent and cruel nature. I hope that the Japanese government can step up its support both within and outside of Japan. We will also continue to work to end the persecution and help more people to understand the truth about this persecution.”

The parade procession waiting to set off at Aizen Park.

The Tian Guo Marching Band marching in Osaka city.

Government Dignitary Came to the Event Venue in Osaka to Support the Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution

Early in the morning on July 15, Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at the famous local tourist attraction, the Osaka Castle Park, to hold an exercise demonstration to help people learn about Falun Dafa. That afternoon, the parade officially started from Aizen Park, passed by many busy streets throughout the city, before ending at Motomachi Naka Park.

Mr. Shinichi Tokunaga, an attorney, and Mr. Takashi Nagao, a former Member of the House of Representatives of Japan, especially made a trip to the parade’s send-off venue, Aizen Park, to support the Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Former Member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Takashi Nagao.

Mr. Takashi Nagao has shown his support for Falun Dafa since the early days. He was also the earliest Member of Parliament to object to the live organ harvesting by the CCP in China and said so in the name of a Member of Parliament. He said, “I believe that if we were to clarify to the whole world about the cruel nature of the CCP’s suppression and the persecution of human rights that is being suffered by the Falun Dafa practitioners, people will definitely understand it and become a beam of light amid the darkness. Let us all come together to stop the CCP’s persecution of human rights.”

Lawyer, Mr. Shinichi Tokunaga.

Mr. Shinichi Tokunaga is a human rights lawyer who supports Falun Dafa. He mentioned in his speech, “The Falun Dafa practitioners gathered here so as to spread the truth about the persecution to the people. This kind of courage moved me deeply. I feel very honored to be able to join all of you in the parade today. Courage is the start of conscience. Let us use such courage to make our voices heard so as to defend the freedom of belief, basic human rights, rule of law, and democracy in Japan and the rest of the world!”

Japanese Lawmakers and Critics Sent in Their Speeches

At the rally before the parade, many Japanese lawmakers and critics also sent in their speeches. Senator, Mr. Horoshi Yamada mentioned in his speech, “The CCP’s live organ harvesting [enacted] on Falun Dafa practitioners is an unprecedented crime in mankind’s history. It is an evil act that is contradictory to civilization and progress. I have already brought up this issue in Congress many times. Japan is a country that is ruled by law and emphasizes human rights. We should speak out to protest against the CCP’s perverse persecution of human rights and take action to end this persecution soon. From now on, I will also work together with everyone here.”

Mr. Rintaro Ishibashi, a Member of the House of Representatives, wrote in his speech, “Being kidnapped just for practicing Falun Dafa is something that should never have happened, much less to add the evil act of forced live organ harvesting. No matter what, we should not turn a blind eye to this matter. Now, in this instant, I feel deep indignation when I think of the many people that are still being deprived of their freedom. The CCP’s going its own way not only affects China itself, it also affects its neighboring countries, which includes our country. This is an undisguised threat to us, a country that emphasizes freedom, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. I will deepen my interaction with everyone here to improve this situation and send out even stronger messages.”

Critic, Mr. Kotaro Miura, said, “Current China is suffering from the cruelest tyranny in history. The CCP makes use of the latest science as its evil tool to carry out the act of taking people’s lives in the worst ways. One of them is live organ harvesting. I think, as victims, all of you here should have the clearest understanding of this kind of evil behavior of exchanging human lives for money. In the face of evil, you all can make use of China’s true traditions, etiquette, and righteous spirit to confront it. In this way, you will definitely be able to achieve your goal. The weather is hot, so everyone please take care of your health during the parade. I wish that you all do not change your original intention and persist till the end.”

Japanese Residents Show Their Support of Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution During the Parade in Osaka

On the morning of July 15, Falun Dafa practitioners also held group exercises at the Castle Tower in the Osaka Castle Park, which is a tourist attraction in Osaka.

Falun Dafa practitioners held a group exercise at the Castle Tower in Osaka Castle Park.

Miss Nao reading the Falun Dafa materials.

Ms. Nao, who was passing by the Castle Tower in Osaka Castle Park after her morning run, learned the first set of exercises and said, “I felt all my feeling of tiredness disappear, and it felt very comfortable.” She also said she cheers the practitioners who are going to participate in the parade that afternoon.

Mr. Mizutani

Mr. Mizutani, who passed by the Aizen Park on his way to an interview, said this when he talked about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa, “I see this occasionally on Youtube, but I don’t think they have reported this in other media, such as in television programs. Sometimes, I leave comments on Youtube for videos about vulnerable groups and others who are being persecuted to show my support. The CCP’s persecution is actually like a war, and we are using our own strengths to strive for peace.”

Lastly, he said to the Falun Dafa practitioners, “The weather is hot. Please keep it up.”

Ms. Tanaka, who lives in Osaka, saw the parade and said, “Keep it up!”

Mr. Koide reading the Falun Dafa materials.

Mr. Koide, who works in a restaurant along the parade route, heard the Tian Guo Marching Band’s music and came out to watch the parade. He said, “I have never heard of Falun Dafa before and I came out after hearing the music. This persecution is a very cruel thing. It is very impressive to be able to take action for one’s own belief without fear of pressure from the CCP. Keep it up!”

Mr. Sato (right) and Mr. Daido (left) read the Falun Dafa materials.

Mr. Sato and Mr. Daido, who came to Osaka from Ichi prefecture for a tour, said, “We are against this persecution. Please do not cower. Keep it up. Harvesting organs from innocent people is definitely not allowed. Through seeing the parade, we fully understand the information you all wanted to bring to people. The weather is hot, so please take care to prevent heatstroke. Keep it up.”

Japanese Residents Condemn the Persecution During the Kyoto Parade

The parade in Kyoto to call for an end to the persecution was held on July 16, which is also the peak period of the Gion Festival, one of Japan’s three major festivals. Moreover, there is a three-day break, and the pandemic precautionary measures were lifted not long ago. So there are lots of people in Kyoto City. The parade started from the Kyoto Oike Bridge and passed by many tourist attractions in Kyoto, attracting the attention of people.

The parade started off from the Kyoto Oike Bridge.

Mr. Hashi Hamada, who learned of the parade, especially made a trip to the parade’s starting point, Kyoto Oike Bridge. He said, “Selling human organs is a violation of human rights. Harvesting organs from innocent people is equivalent to murder.”

Miss Li Liang, who came to Kyoto for a tour, said, “I support you all.”

Mr. Wada finished listening to a practitioner’s truth-clarification and said, “Definitely do not allow live organ harvesting to happen.”

Mr. Wada listened to a practitioner explain the truth about live organ harvesting.

Tourists from Different Parts of the World Show Their Support for Falun Dafa

Mr. Wyatt, a tourist from North Carolina, said, “I pray that Falun Dafa practitioners in China can obtain freedom and bliss.”

Mr. Wyatt

Mr. Mathiev, who came from France, watched the parade together with his girlfriend. He said in Japanese, “Keep it up,” and said in French, “Wish you good luck.”

Mr. Daniel, from Seattle, United States, said, “After hearing about the persecution by the CCP that the Falun Dafa practitioners in China are suffering, I think that the CCP is atrocious. They should not restrict people’s belief and persecute them.”

Mr. Daniel

Ms. Maria, a student from Frankfurt, Germany, used to major in human rights and China. She read articles related to the persecution in the Minghui International and said, “The CCP’s live organ harvesting is atrocious. You all [Falun Dafa practitioners] are living in hardship while suffering from persecution, but I believe that as long as you continue to fight for what is correct, things will definitely change. Keep it up!”

Ms. Maria