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Shandong Man Gets 4 Years for Spreading Information about Falun Gong

Dec. 20, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A native of Qixia City, Shandong Province, was sentenced to four years and fined 5,000 yuan on November 30, 2023, for raising awareness of the persecution of his faith, Falun Dafa, a mind-body practice also known as Falun Gong that is based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Mr. Liu Jinbo’s sentencing stemmed from his arrest at his rental place in Yantai City, which oversees Qixia City, on May 18, 2023. Due to the communist regime’s censorship, Minghui correspondents cannot always obtain accurate information in a timely manner and there are two versions of the officers responsible for Mr. Liu’s arrest.

One version said that the arresting officers were from the Guanli Town Police Station in Qixia City. They targeted him after spotting him putting up self-adhesive stickers reading “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” on utility poles in Guanli Town on April 9, 2023. They shadowed him for more than one month before making the arrest.

Another version said that the Guanli Town Police Station turned over the case to the Jinqiao Police Station in Yantai City, which oversees the neighborhood of Mr. Liu’s rental place. About eight plainclothes officers from the Jinqiao Police Station arrested him outside his rental place at around 7:30 a.m. on May 18 and snatched his key. They then opened the door and confiscated his Falun Gong books, computer, printer, and other valuables.

Mr. Liu was taken to the Qixia City Detention Center and prosecutor Luan Songping from the Qixia City Procuratorate indicted him. He stood trial at the Qixia City Court on October 17, 2023. His lawyer entered a not guilty plea for him and he defended his innocence in spreading information about Falun Gong.

Judge Mou Guohong (+86-13953516655) convicted Mr. Liu on November 30. It is unclear when he may be transferred to prison to serve time.