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Returning to True Cultivation

April 18, 2016 |   By Cheng En

(Minghui.org) Some previously diligent practitioners have slacked off in their cultivation. They are busy with ordinary people types of things, including business management, taking care of children, or personal career development. The main reason they have slacked off is because they had not let go of human attachments.

Tribulations increase when one does not rid oneself of attachments, and doesn’t find time to study the Fa and clarify the truth about Falun Dafa. Some specific reasons for slacking off in cultivation include:

1. One does not grasp the essence of cultivation, instead looking at it superficially. Thus, the practitioners are unable to look inward, and instead move in the opposite direction from that of cultivators. They do not improve their xinxing, and cultivate with human notions. They gradually slack off and become numb to true cultivation.

2. There are those who do not make enough effort, and hang on to a few stubborn attachments. Although they are aware of the attachments, they lack determination, and hold on to them as if they are precious. They repeat what they have done wrong over and over again. They do not merge cultivation with their daily life and work. Issues encountered on a daily basis are often the things we need to let go.

3. Some practitioners listen to fellow practitioners as if their wisdom represents the Fa. They judge a practitioner’s cultivation status based on a superficial presentation instead of the Fa principles. As a result, they do not have their own view when facing tribulations. They are lost when not told what to do.

4. Long-term lack of genuine cultivation brings about many issues, and can cause a practitioner to become unable to pass tribulations. Some may even become suspicious and disbelieve cultivation truths.

5. It is obvious that some practitioners think they believe in Master and the Fa, but actually do not. If they did, they would follow the Fa principles. They should reconsider what cultivation is, and how to cultivate. These practitioners should examine their priorities, and do well in studying the Fa, looking inward, sending righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth to save sentient beings.

6. We hear from some people that they are unclear as to what Dafa is all about, including what we have outlined above. They work within the confines of superficial forms, and do not use their thoughts to evaluate their actions. How can they walk well on their cultivation path?

We cultivate in human society. But we did not come to this world for secular pursuits. Our wish and mission are to cultivate ourselves, validate Dafa, and save sentient beings. We must cultivate diligently.