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Three Senior Women Detained by Police

August 05, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Chai Shuzhen, Ms. Zhao Guiping and Ms. Liu Hua were chatting with others next to Yuanda Shopping Center in Qianxi County the morning of June 6, 2011. Suddenly, a dozen police, led by Chengguan Police Station head Wang Yin, arrived in a van and arrested the three elderly women. They were transported to the Chengguan Police Station.

Following Ms. Liu's release in the afternoon, she was surprised to find that her home had been ransacked. Ms. Chai and Ms. Zhao were held in the Qianxi Detention Center and have so far remained there for more than twenty days. Their families were denied visitation.

Ms. Chai Shuzhen, in her 60s, is a native of Nanguan Village in Xinzhuangzi Town, Qianxi County. When she was in her mid-life, her two daughters, 9 and 12, died within one year from illnesses. After these horrible tragedies Ms. Chai had lost all hope.

When reading Zhuan Falun in 1997 Ms. Chai was move to tears, and she felt completely renewed. After a short time of practicing Falun Gong, she became healthy and experienced joy in life again. Her husband told others, “She has become a new person.” Ms. Chai could not help but tell everyone about how great Falun Gong is.

On July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Falun Gong. Ms. Chai wished that more people could learn Falun Gong in freedom. In subsequent years she experienced repeated arrests, home searches, brainwashing and other types of persecution.

Toward the end of 2000 she was arrested by Qianxi Security Police during her effort to distribute flyers. The police also ransacked her home. During the 18 months of detention in 2000 she suffered from brutal torture.

The second day of her detention she was handcuffed and pushed onto the back of a truck, along with 20 other practitioners; they were humiliated in a public parade. In a “public trial rally” in the city center square, the police announced Ms. Chai and the other practitioners' detention, along with some criminals.

While in the detention center, Ms. Chai was often insulted and physically restrained by handcuffs. One day the police found her doing the Falun Gong exercises. Center head Liu Chun pulled her into a security office and handcuffed her to the back of a chair. Two criminals held her head and forcibly fed her through a nasal tube with liquid laced with unknown substances. After this, Ms. Chai began to suffer from an upset stomach that remains till now. She can only eat a small serving of corn soup for each meal.

Policeman Gao Yinsong saw her doing the Falun Gong exercises and was furious. He repeatedly hit her with a broomstick, until it broke. He also took off his shoe and hit her with it. The beating left her with purple bruises all over. The police attempted to force her to wear the prison uniform, but Ms. Chai refused. She was banned from walks and visitation.

Between July and August 2002, Qianxi County 610 Office agents organized a brainwashing session in the Qianxi Hotel. The police sent seven practitioners, including Ms. Chai, to the facility. All of them had been in police custody for 20 months. To “transform” these practitioners, the police further restricted their already limited freedom, deprived them of sleep, deceived and intimidated them.

Ms. Chai returned to her husband’s hometown in the Northeast at the end of 2003. When she was clarifying the truth to local people, the police arrested her. Local police eventually handed her over to the Qianxi police, who detained her for 15 days.

Chai’s husband was killed in an accident in 2007. Now a widow, she moved into a rental apartment. The local police did not stop harassing her.

Ms. Chai and Ms. Gao Fengzhi were arrested on July 21 in 2008 when they clarified the truth in the Town Center’s Lixiang Square. They were locked up at the Qianxi Detention Center.

In the afternoon, officers He Liansuo, Wang Ying and four others searched the homes of Ms. Chai and Ms. Gao. They took Falun Gong books and printing material. Five days later the police sent both to serve two years at the Kaiping Labor Camp. Because of poor health Ms. Chai was found unfit for prison life.

On March 14, 2009 at 1 p.m., Ms. Chai, Ms. Zhang Guilan, Ms. Guo Hualian were arrested by National Security Police at the Xinjin Market. The police also ransacked the homes of all three women. Ms. Chai was taken to Qianxi County Detention Center for a month-long detention.

On March 11 and 15, 2010, Qianxi National Security Police and the 610 Office personnel twice harassed Ms. Chai. The long-term police harassment, detention and intimidation severely traumatized Ms. Chai. She began to have heart disease symptoms.

On April 6, 2010, Ms. Chai was clarifying the truth in Lixiang Township Square when police arrested her and sent her to Kaiping Labor Camp. When police saw her heart rate shoot up too fast, they were afraid of taking responsibility for endangering her life and released her.

This is Ms. Zhao’s second detention. Her latest arrest was the morning of January 23, 2010, when she was telling a man about Falun Gong, unaware that he was an undercover agent from the Qianxi Town Police Station. The man called other police officers to arrest Ms. Zhao.

Qianxi County Chengguan Police Station: +86-315-5661110
Wang Ying, deputy head, +86-315-5666526, +86-315-5689790, +86-13832984200
Bai Xingyuan, secretary, Political and Legal Committee, +86-13582843688, +86-315-5612537(Office)
Li Chaoying Law, deputy secretary, Political and Legal Committee, +86-315-5615885, +86-315-5666988, +86-13831527098
Li Yujiang, 610 Office head, +86-315-5683586 (Home), +86-13832839606
Qianxi Detention Center, Tian Guilu, head: +86-315-5664509, +86-13832985086