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Only the Thought of a God Can Help Fellow Practitioners

March 03, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Chongqing City

(Clearwisdom.net) Many fellow practitioners have said that we are walking the path toward godhood, but when it comes to helping and trying to harmonize with fellow practitioners, we use the thoughts of everyday people, and are thus unable to be of help when practitioners are persecuted.

Truth be told, a god can do anything. A single thought, a simple word, or one act of a god is the manifestation of the boundlessness of Falun Dafa. The thoughts are powerful and nothing can compare to them. True cultivators have Master's protection and salvation and righteous gods assisting them, so miracles do happen around them.

I will try to make my point using the following story. A tofu vendor had a predestined relationship with me. He seemed to know that I liked his tofu and so he came to my store to sell his tofu quite often. One day, he saw me reading a book, so he asked me about it, and as if he couldn't wait for the answer said, "Look at you! You seem so enchanted by that book. What kind of heavenly book are you reading?" I looked at him and answered, "You are absolutely right. This is a heavenly book, a ladder for me to climb to heaven." In response, he became ecstatic and said, "We can be saved now. We can be saved." His reaction made me ask him why he said that.

It turned out that he lived in a village and his life was very tough. Three people in his family depended on him. His wife was afflicted with gallstones. Because they did not have the money for medical help, it turned into gallbladder perforation and her life was at risk. They borrowed a few hundred yuan from other families and took his wife to a hospital in a shabby wooden cart. The doctor told him, "What can these few hundred yuan do? You will need tens of thousands of yuan, as your wife needs major surgery."

This shocked them. How could they ever get that much money? It seemed that their only option was to return home and wait for her to die. Not knowing what else to do, he continued to sell his tofu. When he came to my store and heard that the book I was reading was a book from heaven, he believed that he had found a magical cure for his wife. He asked me with a tremor in his voice, "My brother, please give me a copy of the book. Please save us!"

I could tell that he was a good-natured and honest man, so I gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun. I taught him the five exercises and gave him a tape player, a set of the Fa lecture recordings, and the exercise instruction video. Before he left my store, he looked at me intently. I knew what he wanted to ask, so I said, "Falun Dafa can create the cosmos and boundless sentient beings and can do anything. You don't need to worry about anything. Only this Fa can save you all. However, I have to make one point clear, whether it works or not depends on your heart. Our master doesn't want anything from you, only your heart. As long as you have unshakable faith in Master and Dafa and conduct yourself according to the requirements of Dafa, you can overcome any tribulations." He nodded and left with an understanding smile.

After three months, he returned with the biggest smile on his face. He said, “Miracle! Truly a miracle!”

He told me that he took his wife home in the shabby cart that day. She just lay there and couldn't move. He firmly believed that Falun Dafa could save his wife. He told her, "Why do you have to have surgery? It's not necessary. Let’s go home and study Falun Dafa.” Upon arriving home, they studied Falun Dafa. After a while, his wife was no longer in pain. Then they did the exercises and read the Fa together. After cultivating for three months, his wife was cured. Her gallstones were gone, and her face was rosy and radiant. She looked like she was in her 30s although she was over 40. She became very healthy and energetic. He came to my store again because he wanted to ask fellow practitioners to help his wife find a job, which is good for cultivation as well as making some money. It happened that another practitioner had asked me to find a practitioner to look after her mother, who was in her 90s. I then introduced her to that practitioner.

The way I understand it, I merely influenced him with my firm faith in the boundlessness of Falun Dafa. At the time, he was still an everyday person, but he truly believed in Master and godhood, and began walking on the path of a Falun Dafa practitioner. He dared to accept Falun Dafa when faced with a life and death situation and took his wife home. This inspired his wife to walk out of the tribulation. All-in-all, belief in Master is enormously powerful.

I have another story to tell. This month, a fellow practitioner was arrested and tortured by local police, into unconsciousness. She was taken to the hospital. Some practitioners became anxious and wondered how a Falun Dafa cultivator could be taken to a hospital and receive injections and transfusions? They then took the practitioner home after she agreed [to give up Falun Gong] in a half-conscious state. At the time, her husband was worried that he would have to take care of his wife, as he was old and weak. He refused to let her return home and their children didn't want to help either. The practitioner’s son by her ex-husband was afraid that they would have to spend a lot of money if his mother remained in the hospital, and signed the documents necessary for her to go home. Once at home, many practitioners took care of her around the clock. After over ten days, she still had not recovered. Fewer practitioners went to take care of her, especially during the night. Some of them became anxious and talked to the local assistant to put together a schedule for practitioners to take care of her. I understood their thinking.

During the last decade, this practitioner went through numerous tests and tribulations and suffered a lot. She had been taken to brainwashing centers twice and been subjected to all kinds of torture. She once had to stand and squat in a bathroom for over three months, and was tortured mentally and physically. In May 2009, she was illegally sentenced to one year and three months in a forced labor camp and was not released until August 2010. Despite the torture, she kept firm faith in Falun Dafa and never yielded to those who were persecuting her. On January 8, 2011, when she was shopping in a mall, she was arrested and tortured by local traffic officers and security officers, to the verge of death. She was then taken to the hospital. She was still unconscious.

When we saw her suffering, we were very concerned and wanted to do something for her. It is a good thing to help fellow practitioners, as we need to be responsible for them. Her things are our things. We should help her. However, how can we help her? We should have righteous enlightenment, righteous thoughts, and righteous actions.

The tribulation arranged by the evil for the practitioner was very complex. It was not only the tribulation for that practitioner, but also a tribulation for the whole region. The evil was watching us closely and people were looking at us, while we kept our eyes on the practitioner. When she opened her eyes, we were all happy, and when she lost consciousness, we became nervous again. She became the center of attention for all the region's practitioners. Some practitioners watched her closely when they were with her. Some were unable to fall asleep even when they went home. They weren't able to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts well. Their thoughts were the thoughts of everyday people.

Didn't we complicate the situation by making the test of a single practitioner a test for all the practitioners in the area? If we overlooked our mission of saving sentient beings because of this incident, the old forces would use this excuse to interfere with us. Therefore, wouldn't the tribulation of that practitioner continue? Furthermore, practitioners exaggerated the problem by not cultivating diligently while faced with this incident. Can such a tribulation created by so many complex factors be dissolved by human thinking? That practitioner and the fellow practitioners remained confused. Only by becoming clearheaded and understanding the Fa can we help other practitioners. When we become aware of other practitioners' tribulations, we must cultivate diligently.

We shared our understandings many times. We then became clear on the Fa, raised our xinxing levels, rectified ourselves with the Fa, rectified our behaviors with the Fa, eliminated our human notions, and firmly had the faith that Dafa could dissolve any tribulation. No matter what kind of changes happened to the practitioner suffering the tribulation, we remained unmoved and kept doing the three things well. For the practitioners looking after her, whether she could hear or not, with their firm faith in Dafa, they reminded her main consciousness to study the Fa and played Master’s Fa lectures. The practitioner recently became clear-minded and was able to sit up and talk to other practitioners. It is truly the thoughts of a god that can help fellow practitioners overcome tribulations!