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Safeguard the Fa on the Internet by Including Master’s Name In Practitioners' Articles

February 11, 2011 |   By an Overseas Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Adding Master's name to articles published on the Internet will help safeguard Master and the Fa. Some practitioners feel that mentioning Master’s name is inappropriate, that doing so is not respectful to Master and the Fa. However, the reality is just the opposite. If you want to understand the situation, you can try this: visit some popular search engines and type in one of several keywords (such as Li Hongzhi, Falun Gong, or Minghui Net) in simplified Chinese to search, and see what articles and websites are displayed in the search results.

People nowadays like to find information on the Internet by searching keywords. Even after some people have learned the truth, read truth-clarification materials, or watched Shen Yun performances, they may wish to find more information “independently”. Out of curiosity, they may search the Internet using the keywords of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi, or Minghui, hoping to find some independent or third-party information about them. However, many, if not most of the search results are negative and bad. These people would think: why is this different from what they just heard? Their minds and physical bodies, which were just purified by the truth, would be instantly poisoned again.

Especially when the computer setting is in simplified Chinese, the search results make me even more distressed! Upon seeing our respected Master being slandered on such a large scale and to this extent, should we Dafa disciples just ignore it and let it continue?

When people search the Internet for information about Dafa and Master, they are looking for facts. Finding negative search results with defamatory contents all over, however, they are poisoned by such a large amount of lies. When people's minds contain negative thoughts about Dafa and Master Li Hongzhi, won't they be in danger? This issue directly affects a large number of peoplewho are using the Internet, especially highly educated ones. Once these people are influenced by the slanderous content, it can be very difficult to correct them on a large scale. It can only be done by face to face truth-clarification since they often believe their own “independent research results” on the Internet.

In the vast Internet world, how many people's minds have been poisoned? So many practitioners are not aware of it, so many practitioners are working in the IT area, and we have so many practitioners learning computer skills. It is a shame that we know about this situation and choose to let it continue by ignoring it or complaining about it helplessly. The Communist regime could make this happen and thus the search results on the Internet are dark all over simply because we did not cultivate well and did not do things well.

Here I would like to call on more practitioners specialized in SEO (search engine optimization) or related fields to look into this issue. By working together and taking the initiative, we can improve the situation and help save sentient beings. We Dafa disciples should no longer continue to indulge and permit the evil's using Internet search engines to poison the minds of sentient beings on a large scale.