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A Phone Call from an Overseas Practitioner That Came at Just the Right Moment

March 26, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On March 12, 2009, after sending righteous thoughts, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw that it was an insurance agent. She was looking for my daughter's ex-classmate. We had not been in contact with this classmate for many years nor did I have his contact information. However, our address was listed on the insurance policy as his contact information, so this agent was perplexed and in need of help.

Looking at her situation, I thought to myself that, since she was at my door, we had a predestined relationship. I invited her to come in. She was tired as she had been walking a long way in her high heels. She agreed to come in and rest. After she was seated we started chatting. She asked me if I believed in Buddha. She commented that there was a distinct fragrance in my house. I replied that I cultivated in Falun Dafa and started to tell her about it. She listened to me but she was doubtful and repeatedly said, "You must not tell others these things. I myself do not object to Falun Gong, but whatever the government has banned, you must not do. This is for your own good." I thanked her for her good intentions and told her, "We are offering salvation to people. When people understand the truth, it gives them the chance to be saved. You should remember that Falun Dafa is good and then you will be protected." I started to tell her about the many cases of people escaping unharmed from the Sichuan earthquake.

From talking with her, it appeared that she did not have a good understanding of Buddha Fa and her mind was very heavily poisoned by the CCP culture. It is not easy to convince this kind of person to renounce their CCP membership, but I did not give up. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil behind her and I clarified the truth to her. Coincidentally, her cell phone rang. She listened for a while and then passed the phone to me. I heard one sentence and recognized that it was an overseas practitioner that had called her. His deep voice was very pleasing. She said, "It is from Falun Gong." I replied, "That is an overseas practitioner offering people salvation." She said, "I haver never received a phone call like this before. Today we started to talk about Falun Gong and then I get this call. How strange." I said, "It is your good fortune." She laughed.

We chatted about something else and then she asked me why I was so skinny. I told her that I had been locked up for four years because of my belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They broke my spine and I almost lost my life. The CCP is really evil. I was released 2 years ago and have yet to recover. She stopped trying to justify the actions of the CCP. It was then very easy to persuade her to renounce her CCP membership and remember that "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, Falun Dafa is good." She also wanted me to help recite on her behalf "Falun Dafa is good." I told her that it is most effective if she recites it herself. Before she left, I gave her a VCD of "Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 Chinese New Year Performance." She was very grateful and said that she would watch it carefully when she got home.

I thank the overseas practitioner for that truth clarifying phone call. It was at just the right time. Although we are far apart, we managed to clarify the truth to the same person at the same time. It was really miraculous! A person has been saved. Let us be glad for her and give her blessings! If it was not for the phone call from the overseas practitioner, the end result might have been different. I am also thankful for Master's miraculous arrangement. A practitioner has the wish to save sentient beings, but it is Master's arrangement. As overseas and Mainland China practitioners, let us be united in our efforts to do the three things well to offer salvation to more people. We must not disappoint Master. We must be worthy of his compassion and salvation.

March 17, 2009