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Do Well with the Divine Power That Teacher Bestows

September 12, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) During the night of August 21, 2008, while five fellow practitioners in our area and I were distributing material exposing the persecution in villages, we were caught by people from a local police department. This took place between 11 p.m. and midnight.. Five of us managed to get away, but one was arrested and is still being held in a local detention center.

Reflecting on what has happened for the last two months in our area, we, as Falun Dafa practitioners walking on the path of Fa-rectification, ought to really look within ourselves carefully to see what went wrong. We need to compare our understanding of the Fa with what we have been doing to see where the shortcoming lies. In regards to doing the three things well, how have we really done? As we all know, what we are doing is the greatest, the most upright, and the most sacred thing in the universe, and we have Teacher's Law Bodies' unseen protection as well as upright gods guarding the Fa. Why, then, do we sometimes not have supernatural abilities? And why do we sometimes come across interference? We really ought to look within ourselves in order to defeat the interference.

Teacher said,

"Now is the final moment that concludes arrangements that are eons old. History's progression to this point today has not been easy, fraught as it's been with hardship and ups and downs. From ancient times till today, the multitude of gods have been watching and closely following this affair, and are paying particular attention at this final phase." ("Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference")

However, some of our fellow practitioners, when sending forth righteous thoughts, close their eyes so tightly that they seem to take this 15-minute period as nap-time, or even fall asleep. They slowly sway their bodies back and forth with their right hands bent, and when doing the lotus palms, their palms were not really unfolded.

It wasn't hard to feel that in their other dimensions they were interfered with by dark minions and demons, and their sentient beings were in a state of sadness and hopelessness. When seeing this kind of situation, I was so concerned that I reminded them, but their situations still remained the same. Sending forth righteous thoughts is a special kind of Buddha divine power that Teacher bestows to Dafa practitioners to disintegrate evil and chaotic situations during this period of Fa-rectification. It helps a great deal in saving sentient beings, as Teacher has said. It is only because we try to understand Teacher's Fa with human notions that we have negative results while sending forth righteous thoughts. When we are not fully in control of our consciousness, this kind of sending forth righteous thoughts is basically useless.

Aren't there many fellow practitioners who have their third eyes open and see that there are seriously incorrect states among those who could not concentrate while sending forth righteous thoughts? Those experiences were also purposefully arranged by Teacher to let those practitioners share what they saw, so that practitioners could take them as a reminder and a warning. Sending forth righteous thoughts is really a serious matter. It is a fight between the righteous and the evil, in which practitioners can muster greater abilities to disintegrate dark minions, demons, and evil elements, thus enabling us to more effectively save sentient beings. Let us consider: is our sending forth righteous thoughts effective when we are sleepy? There are articles on the subject of sending forth righteous thoughts in the Minghui Weekly. I hope that we can pay sufficient attention to them.

Since we are assisting in Teacher's Fa-rectification and doing the most sacred thing, why do police and other elements still dare to interfere with our saving people? It is only because they are controlled by the CCP's evil spirits, which enable them to harm others as well as themselves. If every one of us Dafa practitioners could be righteous enough to fully utilize the divine power that Teacher bestows in our sending forth righteous thoughts, we could easily eliminate these evil factors. It does not matter what they try. The CCP is at its final state, and I understand that all of its desperate interference and persecution are the "last flurry of activity before they perish." ("Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Fa Conference")

As long as we do well the "three things" as Teacher requires and play well the lead role, we will be able to walk safely on the path of cultivation and saving sentient beings, and we will be able to carry out the great mission as a Dafa disciple in the period of Fa-rectification.

Please kindly correct my errors.