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Some Thoughts On Widely Promoting the Divine Performing Arts Show

May 12, 2008 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I recently watched the 2008 edition of the Divine Performing Arts show and have come to a new understanding of our Master's teaching the "Great Way with no formalities."

I work in the Chinese advanced education system, where the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) control is strong and which is a so-called "key-controlled system." The people around me have all been indoctrinated by the Communist party's culture for many years and have a strong fear of the CCP. As people have a strong sense of self preservation, they usually avoid sensitive topics, to protect themselves from potential persecution by the CCP. If I talk about the truth of Falun Gong, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, or say that "the Heavens will extinguish the CCP," they are unwilling to listen due to their fear. But if I talk about traditional Chinese culture, they easily accept it. This may explain why the compact discs of the Divine Performing Arts are rarely discarded. The CCP has recently been putting on an appearance of promoting traditional culture. So when people watch the Divine Performing Arts, which promotes true, traditional Chinese culture, they do not have any psychological barriers.

The performance illustrates profound traditional Chinese culture, and at the same time demonstrates the truth of Falun Gong through beautiful singing and dancing. The audiences are amazed by the beauty of the performance and many begin seriously thinking about Falun Gong. People have various attachments, likes and dislikes, and notions. The show always has something to touch the audience's compassionate side through what they like about the performance. This is more or less like the supernormal ability cluster that Teacher used to cure disciples' illnesses at the early stage of spreading the Fa. In the cluster were all kinds of supernormal abilities that were specific to many illnesses. In other words, everyone can find something in the show that they like and appreciate. For instance, some appreciate the performance skills, some like the costumes, some like the colors, some like the music, some like the constantly changing backdrop scenes, some like the hosts' humor, etc. In my opinion, as long as someone likes something in the performance, he or she has laid a foundation to learn the truth in the future. In this regard, the performance plays a critical role in eliminating the effects of the slander and negating the wrong notions about Falun Gong caused by the CCP's propaganda in recent years. After watching the show, people will think, "Is Falun Gong really like what the CCP has described? How should I form a correct view of this matter?" Thus the performance will wake up the clear-mindedness of ordinary people and enhance their conscience and compassionate thoughts.

The great way has no formalities. The Fa has infinite wisdom and ability. We Dafa disciples should also walk the path of "no formalities" and not stick to a certain form in the process of saving sentient beings. If one way is not effective, we will change to another. If direct truth clarification does not work, we will do it indirectly. As long as we put our hearts into it and are considerate of ordinary people's individuality, we will always make breakthroughs. Everything in this world can be utilized by practitioners to fulfill our missions of saving sentient beings.

We practitioners in mainland China should pay attention to this opportunity and make full use of the Divine Performance Arts show as a powerful Fa-implement. We should widely promote the show to break the blockage in people's minds. In terms of concrete measures to take, we can refer to what other practitioners are doing that was recently published on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). For example, capable practitioners can make some special flyers and promotional posters to be published on Minghui so that other practitioners can download them and post them in conspicuous places. Practitioners doing truth clarification on the Internet can send emails with promotional content and pictures and post them on various Internet media such as blogs, QQ groups, etc. While doing this, we should try to avoid using sensitive words and put the emphasis on promoting traditional Chinese culture. This way people will learn about the show first and have a good impression from the beginning. Then their clear-mindedness will help them seek out information about the show, laying a solid foundation for distributing CDs on a large scale. When we distribute CDs of the show, we can attach a short description so as to trigger people's interest and curiosity, which in turn will encourage them to watch the show. We should also pay attention to the quality of the discs. From the disc itself to the burning process to the exterior packaging, we should perfect each disk to be distributed the same way as the performers who participated in the show.

If conditions permit, we can include the booklet "We Talk To The Future" with the CD, because building upon the foundation of the show, people will be able to treat our truth clarification correctly. They will more easily realize that the CCP's propaganda is all lies and slander and therefore they will be saved.

Practitioners from all walks of life should coordinate well with each other and put their hearts to the cause of widely promoting the show and saving sentient beings.