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Truth-Clarifying Emails from Overseas Practitioners Are Playing a Major Role

June 16, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently while clarifying the truth, I discovered that some people who were quite difficult to clarify the truth to before all of a sudden became more receptive. They told me that they had read the Nine Commentaries and also received emails from overseas.

When my husband returned from vacation on the first of May, he talked with me about a lot of things regarding how the Chinese Communist Party tampered with historical facts and committed secret murders, and also about overseas political situations and so on. It was strange since he did not care about these things before, and he wouldn't listen when I spoke with him about them, so why did his attitude change? When I asked him, he said that he had received an email with software that broke the Internet blockage in China, along with a link to the Looking at China website. He frequently went to that website to read news about China. I felt really happy in my heart. Dafa practitioners are really a powerful, single body!

After the vacation ended, my husband had to return to school. He asked me in a serious tone, "Did you quit the CCP on my behalf?" I said, "Yes, remember? A long time ago." He then said to me, "Okay, good. I need to know more about this topic." I told him to read the Nine Commentaries, and he gladly took a copy of it with him.

There are many people with higher education around me. When clarifying the truth to them, it was exhausting since a lot of things were instilled in them, such as atheism, evolution, the CCP's culture, their perception of what science is, as well as their own pride. They often have question after question. However, they are very curious about things that originate from overseas, and that way of communication helps them to allow the message to sink in, instead of being tempted to show off their own knowledge. In this way, email is a great way to clarify the truth.

I suggest that overseas practitioners pass on the software or websites that break the Internet blockage when sending out truth-clarifying emails, so that the recipients can access the web more freely and find out more about Dafa and the facts about the persecution.