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My Journey to Washington, DC

April 24, 2006 |   By Qing Zhou, a practitioner in Germany


Oh, Falun Gong, I Have Heard of It

After arriving at the Munich Airport, I rushed to the ticketing hall to get a boarding pass. There was not much time left for my flight. American Airline's check-in area was empty and the staff members were ready to leave. I hurried over to them and asked if this was the place to get a boarding pass for my flight to the United States. They looked at me and said, "Why did you come so late? We are closed." Then they checked with their boss and stayed to process my ticket.

A gentleman asked me why I was going to the United States. I handed him some materials about the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) slaughtering Falun Gong practitioners and selling their organs. I told him that because the head of the CCP is going to visit the United States, I wanted to be there to ask for justice for the Falun Gong practitioners in China. After hearing that, he immediately spoke to me in Chinese, "Oh, Falun Gong, I have heard of it. I saw you at the Karlsplatz Square tomorrow." I smiled, "Do you mean to say yesterday? We had some activities there yesterday." "Yes, yes, yesterday. So you are going to the United States to protest? That's great!" He quickly processed my ticket and we said goodbye to each other.

The Young Lady Who Showed Me the Way

My flight transferred in Philadelphia. When I was waiting for my luggage, a young lady came to me and we started talking. I found out that she was from Austria. I told her the purpose of my trip and handed her some truth-clarification materials. She was very happy to receive that. She accompanied me all the way to the gate for my flight to Washington, DC. She wished us great success when she left.

Becoming an Honored Guest

At the boarding gate in Philadelphia, I asked an employee some questions. Then I stuttered in my limited English to clarify the truth to him and handed him some English materials. I told him that unfortunately the materials that I had about the CCP's selling the organs of Falun Gong practitioners was only in German. I showed him a picture. He took the German materials, saying that he would ask his friends who knew German to read it. Then he asked for my ticket. Not knowing why, I handed him my ticket. He punched on his keyboard for a little while and then gave me another ticket. He told me that he really appreciated my telling him the facts about Falun Gong and he had upgraded my ticket to first-class.

I was still deeply moved by his eagerness to learn the truth of Dafa when sitting in the first-class cabin.

The Whole Family Said Goodbye to Me

After arriving in Washington, DC, I took the metro. I always found some nice people to help me with my inquiries. Then I told them the purpose of my visit. Most of the people would say it's great of you protesting and wished me good luck.

When waiting for a train in a metro station, I was not sure about the line, so I asked a lady. Then naturally we talked about why I came to Washington, DC. When she heard that I came from Germany, she turned around to her large family, who were standing behind her and asked, "Which you has learned German? Come here please." Out came a young lady who was her daughter. She had studied German for two years and was planning to go to college in Germany. I told them about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The mother was shocked. After I told her the crimes of the CCP, she expressed that she understood. I asked her to try her best to help Falun Gong practitioners, to appeal to her congressmen, and to tell her friends and relatives. She said seriously that she would do so. Before we departed, she put her metro map into my hand. Her whole family said goodbye to me. Her husband, who had been very quiet during our conversation, also smiled and waved to me when leaving.