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Practitioners In China Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate the 13th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction--Part 1 (Photos)

May 12, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, May 11, 2005)

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Dalian City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

Master, you have worked hard! We miss you!

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Respectfully, Dafa practitioners in Dalian

Practitioners in Jinzhou District, Dalian City Sincerely Congratulate Benevolent and Great Master on His 54th Birthday!

Benevolent and great Master has taught the Fa for 13 years!

Celebrate the World Falun Dafa Day!

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May 13, 2005

Practitioners in Jinzhou District, Dalian City Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to revered Master on teaching the Fa for 13 years!

Celebrate May 13 World Falun Dafa Day!

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May 13, 2005

All Practitioners from Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province Warmly Celebrate the 13th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction

Since the day we obtained the Fa, we have felt Master's benevolent and arduous salvation! Since the persecution began, we have been advancing amidst wind and rain! Regardless of inclement weather or sweltering summer heat, regardless of violent storm, we have remained steadfast! We won't forget to study the Fa and cultivate our xinxing, we won't forget save the sentient beings, we won't forget to eliminate rotten demons, until the day when the Buddha's light illuminates the whole world!

Practitioners in Fushun, Liaoning Province Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday!

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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Shanghai Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday! Warmly Celebrating the 13th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction and World Falun Dafa Day!

Respectfully, Falun Dafa practitioners in Shanghai

May 5, 2005

Practitioners in Henan Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

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All Practitioners in Leshan Area, Sichuan Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

We will definitely maintain righteous thoughts and righteous actions on the path of assisting Master to do Fa-rectification, and we will absolutely live up to Master's benevolent salvation, and do well the three things Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples should do. Master, please rest assured! All practitioners in Sichuan Province miss you!

Respectfully, all practitioners in Leshan Area, Sichuan Province


April 20, 2005

Practitioners in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province Wish Great Master a Happy Birthday

Practitioners Illegally Detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Send Greetings to Great and Benevolent Master

On April 25th, 2005, Dafa practitioners who are detained in the Masanjia evil's den in Shenyang City were able to transfer through great difficulty their greetings to great and benevolent Master written on a white cloth.

All Practitioners in Jilin Province Congratulate the 13th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction! We Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

All practitioners in Jilin Province

April 6 of Yiyou Lunar Year

All Practitioners in Jilin City Celebrate the Sixth World Falun Dafa Day and Congratulate Revered Master on the 13th Anniversary of Dafa's Public Introduction

All practitioners in Jilin Province Congratulate Master on His 54th birthday and wish Master a Happy Birthday!

On the occasion of the celebration between heaven and earth, we exhaust all words in the human world but fail to express our respect for benevolent and great Master.

From July 20, 1999 until now, under the protection of benevolent Master, we have walked with great difficulty through six years of validating Dafa and clarifying the truth. Looking back at the path have walked, we feel very grateful. At the beginning of our Fa-rectification cultivation, we were like a toddler who cannot walk steadily. It is our great revered Master who took our hands to walk forward steadfastly amidst storm. Each step of ours has been taken with Master's great sacrifice.

Revered Master bestows us with the sacred title of "Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples," and at the same time gives Dafa disciples supreme glory and honor in the new cosmos. In the face of such honor, we feel the greatness of our responsibility, and we also feel that we are far away from the standard of Dafa. We cannot do the three things Master requires of us well all the time. In our Fa-rectification cultivation, sometimes we are very diligent, some other times we are slack. When saving people in the Mainland China against time, sometimes we even grew attached to "being comfortable." Many fellow practitioners around us have been illegally detained, many fellow practitioners cannot step forward to validate Dafa due to various reasons, and many more innocent people have been deceived by lies.

Revered Master's Fa-lectures, like heavy hammers constantly awaken us. We understand: a cultivator's improvement and Consummation is certainly important, but what Master requires of us is to save all sentient beings in the cosmos. We should only follow Master's teachings, take the Fa as teacher in our Fa-rectification cultivation all the time, constantly make break-throughs of ourselves, steadfastly safeguard the Fa and put the saving of sentient beings as high priority, and truly and solidly do well the three things Master requires of us.

In the current new situation of Fa-rectification, what we are facing is how to constantly rectify ourselves and harmonize Dafa, how to improve our understanding based on the Fa among us fellow practitioners, and take our own path of validating Dafa, how to take fellow practitioners' things as our own things, and cooperate as one body to rescue fellow practitioners in prisons, how to deeply expose the evil to local people, and how to guide more people to erase the mark of the Communist spirit and learn the truth about Dafa.

No matter how the external environment changes, we will remain unmoved and do well what we should do as Dafa disciples, because we firmly believe that Dafa is omnipotent, perfect and indestructible. So long as we follow the requirements of Dafa and Fa-rectification, predestined people will be saved.

Respectfully all practitioners in Jilin City

May 1, 2005

Young Practitioners in Jilin City Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday!

Young practitioners miss you!

Thinking of revered Master, our tears always run down. Though we are young, we are Master's disciples, and also can feel Master's benevolent protection all the time.

Master, please rest assured: We will do like adults, cultivate ourselves well in clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings and follow Master to return home.

Respectfully, all young Dafa disciples in Jilin City,

May 1, 2005

All Practitioners in Jilin City Celebrate the Sixth World Falun Dafa Day! We Wish All Dafa Disciples Around the World a Happy Festival!

Celebration Between Heaven and Earth

The central plains are joyous
Hundreds and thousands of lotuses return to pure land
Gratitude to Master for rectifying the firmament
A big reunion after reaching Consummation and returning home

Respectfully, all Dafa disciples in Jilin City

May 1, 2005

All Practitioners in Dalianhe, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province Congratulate the World Falun Dafa Day and the 13th Anniversary of Master's Teaching the Fa

At the moment when heaven and earth celebrates May 13, World Falun Dafa Day, and the 13th Anniversary of Master's Teaching the Fa, all practitioners in Dalianhe, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province extend our loftiest respect to benevolent and great Master. We congratulate revered Master's 54th birthday. Greetings, revered Master! You have worked hard! Your disciples miss you very much!

Master, please rest assured, your disciples will definitely live up to Master's benevolent salvation, will follow Master's requirement to do all that Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples should do, and will definitely walk the last leg of the journey well. We will follow closely the advancement of Fa-rectification, and make full use of each Dafa particle, save the sentient beings with compassion, fulfill our prehistoric pledge and follow Master to return home.


Red dragon has been eliminated completely,
Evil Party is going to its end.
Right and evil confront each other for several years,
One day, victory or defeat is evident.

Bad people lose their lives,
Good people survive.
All Gods return to the heaven,
Enormous bell rings through the cosmos.

All practitioners in Dalianhe, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province,


May 10, 2005

All Practitioners in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

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All Practitioners in Hubei Province Wish Benevolent and Great Master a Happy Birthday!

Great revered Master,

When the firmament is faced with destruction, it is you who has used the greatest benevolence, gone through all tribulations, saved countless sentient beings and given all those perfect things to the sentient beings. When revered Master's birthday and the May 13 World Falun Dafa Day is coming, Dafa disciples and sentient beings in firmament exhaust all words in the human world but cannot express our gratitude, respect and good wishes. All practitioners in Hubei Province will definitely follow revered Master steadfastly, study the Fa well and cultivate our xinxing, seize the time to clarify the truth, and eliminate the evil with our righteous thoughts. We will be more clear-headed and rationally walk well the last and the most precious path of Fa-rectification! We will live up to the great title and honor being Fa-rectification period Dafa Disciples. We will live up to revered Master's benevolent salvation! Master, please rest assured!

All practitioners in Hubei Province

May 11, 2005

Practitioners in Shenyang City Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

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Practitioners in Liaoning Province Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

Practitioners in Jilin City Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

Practitioners in Tai'an Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

All Practitioners in Huangshan City, Anhui Province Respectfully Wish Esteemed Master a Happy Birthday

We respectfully wish Master a Happy Birthday. We send congratulations on the public introduction of Falun Dafa! Celebrate, wish and eulogize together between heaven and earth.

It is you who have saved the sentient beings, and recreated such an incomparably wonderful cosmos!

It is you who have given vital force to the universe! It is you who have given grace to everything!

Let the lives in this cosmos eulogize you and pay tribute to your greatness!

Respectfully, all practitioners in Huangshan City

May 8, 2005

Practitioners in Xinjiang Autonomous Region Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday