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A Large Number of "Quitting the CCP" Announcements Appear in the Cities of Yinchuan and Baotou

November 30, 2005 |  


During October and November of this year, in the cities of Yinchuan of Gansu Province and Baotou of Inner Mongolia, there were a large number of "Quitting the CCP" announcements. They appeared on the street's utility poles, on business district billboards, on the front gates of companies' residential districts, in the corridors of buildings, and on the white walls or the pavilions' red columns in parks.

(1) On a utility pole across from the Ningxia Hospital for Infectious Diseases of Yinchuan, a sticker was posted with the words "Heaven Extinguishes the CCP" written in red. The content of it was: "Heaven wants to extinguish the Chinese Communist Party! Quit the CCP and the Communist Youth League to be safe!" It is quite striking. On another utility pole across from the treatment center of the Ningxia Medical School Hospital in Yinchuan City, A sticker with "Announcement" written on it said: "The communist party has committed colossal sins! From "the Great Cultural Revolution", "the Great Leap Forward", "the three anti's", "the five anti's", "the right deviation", "June 4 massacre" to "the persecution of Falun Gong", it has brought an unprecedented disaster to the common people. It has caused approximately 80 million unnatural deaths since it came into power! Now heaven wants to extinguish the communist party! Resign from the party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers to guarantee your safety. Only by doing so will you be able to survive future elimination. You may use your alias, your pen name, or your childhood name to withdraw online or by posting your withdrawal publicly. Since the end of October, there have already been over 5.1 million people who have quit the communist party and the communist youth league. Choose a glorious future."

(2) On an announcement board near a bus stop in Yinchuan City, a "Declaration of Quitting the Party and the Youth League" is posted. It states: "After reading the 'Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,' I clearly see through the evil nature of the communist party which has deceived the common people, wreaked havoc among the people, which fights with heaven and earth, attacks beliefs, slanders gods, and slanders Buddhas. The communist party has killed tens of millions of people in its movements. The communist party has committed monstrous crimes! Now heaven wants to extinguish the communist party! For the future of myself and my family members, I am withdrawing from the wicked party to guarantee my safety!"

(3) In a corridor of the residential area across from the Tax Bureau of the Borough of the Blue Mountains in Baotou City, a sticker announcement is pasted. It says: "After the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, there have already been over 5.1 million people withdrawing from the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League for the glorious future of themselves and their family members." A banner was pasted on the white wall outside of the Tax Bureau's gate: "Sentence Jiang Zemin, Sentence Zeng Qinghong, Sentence Luo Gan." A "Declaration of Quitting the Party" was pasted on the playground ticket booth of the Labor Party in Baotou City.

(4) A history teacher who is not a practitioner lives upstairs from my apartment. She has received several Nine Commentaries publications and discs. She was affected after reading them, and her excited mood was revealed in her speech and appearance. She told her neighbors about the Nine Commentaries. She compared the facts listed in the Nine Commentaries with her family's own suffering and the textbooks which are distorted by the wicked party. She was narrating the party's countless crimes. A big group of people listened carefully around her. She even publicized all the Nine Commentaries on a blackboard in the school for five or six classes. After listening, many students felt like they had awakened.

(5) A Dafa practitioner rode a motorcycle to deliver the Nine Commentaries to a county level municipal government office in Hebei Province. The authorities tried to find out who did it. However, the camcorder at the gate failed to record it due to a power outage that day. One day, the mayor called a group of colleagues for a meeting. He mentioned specifically this matter. He added seriously: "What the Nine Commentaries says is correct." After hearing that, some of the people who had not read the Nine Commentaries asked around to acquire a copy for themselves.