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Practitioners Solemnly Hold the 2005 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference (Photos)

January 12, 2005 |   By Fangru

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 9, 2005, the Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was solemnly held in the Taipei International Conference Center. More than 6,000 practitioners from across Taiwan, North America, Japan, Malaysia and other places around the world attended the conference. The atmosphere inside the conference hall was solemn and warm. Master Li's portrait was hung in the center. Several meter-long huge banners imprinted with Master's poems were hung on both sides of the conference hall. An array of crystal clear lotus lamps on the platform represented millions of Dafa practitioners' steadfast hearts.

"Hundreds of millions of Buddha and Gods descend to the human world, gate to heaven opens in millions of years. Buddha's light has shone everywhere in the land of China for seven years, five years of rainstorm cleared away the demons. Going through hardship let us realize our human attachments. In tribulations, we experience and feel more of the grace of the Lord of Buddhas. Giving up all in order to save sentient beings, the new universe is created and will last forever!" The two hosts' opening remarks led off the Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference. Twenty-two practitioners including an attorney, a school president, professor, computer engineer, Ph.D. candidate, instructor and practitioners from other walks of life gave speeches. Their personal experiences and insights deeply moved those in the audience.

Main conference hall of the Taiwan Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference

Auxiliary conference hall of the Taiwan Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference

On November 16, 1997, Master came to Taiwan to teach the Fa. At that time, nearly one thousand practitioners were fortunate enough to listen to the lecture. On November 17, 1996, the first Taiwan Fa conference was held in Taipei. Only about 100 people attended that conference. Since then, practitioners hold a large-scale Fa conference in Taipei every year and the participants have increased yearly. This year, more than 6,000 people participated in the conference.

Mr. Lan Weigang, a lieutenant platoon leader who currently serves at Hualian, said that initially, because of the influence of the Jiang regime's deceptive propaganda, his division commander and other classmates had misunderstandings towards Falun Gong and were not so friendly to him. They even criticized and accused him together. Later, he improved his xinxing and used his own words and deeds to clear up his classmates' and instructors' misunderstandings about Falun Gong. One of his classmates told him, "I know many people from different religions, but none of them is like you. Therefore, I believe that Falun Gong is better than other schools of religion."


Practitioners giving speeches in the Fa conference

A 69-year-old lady Ms. Hsie Hsiu-ju expressed in her speech that after she started practicing Falun Gong, all of her illnesses disappeared and she became healthier and healthier. Previously, she had to use her umbrella as a crutch, but now she walks with no problems at all. Her neighbors kindly call her "young miss Hsie." She said that she has a special phone line dedicated to calling Mainland China and telling people, "Falun Dafa is great!"

Ms. Chen Feng-mei is a 47-year-old tailor from Taidong. She had suffered infantile paralysis since her childhood. When she was only 3 years old, she got a high fever and had to depend on crutches to walk after that. She said that when she read the book Zhuan Falun for the first time, she felt that her questions about life were answered. Through her practice, her migraine was gradually reduced and she is even able to sit in the full lotus position. She also began to open her heart and calmly accepted the reality about her disability. She also energetically rides her motorized tricycle to spread Falun Dafa in different places. Although people see her as a disabled person who has trouble moving around, she is indeed a happy and healthy person.

Chang Da-shan, a Ph.D. candidate from National Tsing Hua University at Hsin Chu, shared his experiences of his trip to Manhattan to clarify the truth. He said that at first he felt uncomfortable seeing westerners' cold expressions in their eyes. On several occasions, people did not accept the truth-clarifying materials that he handed out. Later, when he realized that he went there for the purpose of saving sentient beings, he should not have the attachment of pride. When the great compassion emerged from the bottom of his heart, people's attitudes toward him changed completely.

At the end of the Fa conference, led by the hosts, the Dafa practitioners read out loud one of Master' poems from Hongyin II. At 5:55pm, the entire audience was solemnly silent. Carrying the compassion of saving sentient beings, more than 6,000 practitioners and fellow practitioners all over the world sent forth the purest and most firm righteous thoughts, and successfully concluded the 2005 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference.