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German Newspaper Boulevard Baden: After Two Years of Detention in China, Xiong Wei Joins the Struggle for Human Rights (Photo)

November 11, 2004 |  


Karlsruhe: The thirty four year old Chinese lady told us about her experience, "I was neither allowed to stand straight up or sleep," during a two week re-education class. "The re-education assistants beat and kicked me."

Without resting, she distributed flyers and explained the persecution of Falun Gong adherents in China until she was arrested and locked up in one of Beijing's "slave labor camps" in January of 2002 in Beijing.

On September 29th she finally regained her freedom, after the efforts of the German government and a number of human rights organizations. She is presently traveling throughout Germany to thank everyone for all the efforts on her behalf, for regaining her freedom and at the same time to tell everyone about the Chinese labor camps and the persecution of Falun Gong adherents in China. She already has met with European Union representatives in Strasbourg. This week she had the opportunity to continue her fight for human rights in Karlsruhe's City Hall and at the offices of the human rights organization "Amnesty International."

This week, she revealed during a visit to Amnesty International that twenty women were held in a cell of fifteen square meters. "The daily agenda included beatings, humiliation and bodily abuse."

Joschka Fischer, Germany's Foreign Minister, pleaded for her freedom during his visit to China. Her priority, since her release is the continued clarification of the facts about China's human rights violations everywhere.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200411/23006.html