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Saving People through Truth Clarification Is Our Duty

October 10, 2004 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently Teacher has mentioned the importance of truth clarification on a number of occasions.

"Dafa disciples, don't forsake the magnificent responsibility that has been bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification, and even less should you disappoint those beings, as you are now their only hope for entering the future. For this reason, all Dafa disciples, students both new and veteran, should get to work and begin comprehensively clarifying the truth." ("Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People")

Truth clarification is the only way to save those who can be saved.

I remember when, in 2001, the Chinese Education Ministry made a rule stating that those that practiced Falun Gong must write a statement renouncing the practice or they would be fired. Therefore, my boss came and asked me whether I was still practicing Falun Gong. Instead of answering his question directly, I explained to him that Falun Gong is a practice that teaches people to be good and to avoid involvement in politics or in doing bad deeds. I added that if he treated practitioners well, he would have a good future, but that firing those who practiced Falun Gong would lead to bad fortune for himself and his family. Hearing this, my boss reconsidered his ideas.

As soon as my family found out what I did, they tried to have me write a so-called "guarantee" statement. Many relatives, friends and colleagues came to persuade me as well, but I knew that they could not influence the decision to fire me and that what Teacher said was true.

It was a good opportunity to clarify the truth to them. So I told them about the principles in Falun Dafa of not killing, about the staged self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square, about the spread of Falun Gong all over the world, and about the benefits of the practice to physical and mental health. As a result, they all agreed that Falun Gong is good and gave up their initial intentions and just left, even though they still felt it would be sad if I got fired. I told them, "Don't worry, I won't be fired even if I refuse to write the statement."

Several days later, I went to visit a fellow practitioner's home, where I read what Teacher said,

"Let me tell you, all those who remain and that can persecute Dafa and Dafa disciples are due to our students themselves. Students who haven't taken sending forth righteous thoughts seriously: the evil in the dimensions that you are supposed to shoulder and be responsible for has not been eliminated. That's the cause." ("Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A")

I suddenly realized that my inadequate "righteous thoughts" were the reason that those evil factors had tried to force me to write the "guarantee" for a number of days. So a fellow practitioner and I sent forth righteous thoughts together to eliminate the evil factors influencing my boss and family. Ultimately the school gave me an employment contract without having to write the "statement."

As I only kept in touch with one fellow practitioner for security reasons, I had few truth clarification materials. Teacher said, "As long as something is good for Dafa, you should take the initiative to do it, take the initiative to work on it." ("To All Students at the Nordic Fa Conference")

So I decided to write truth clarification materials on my own. Since I knew that persevering with this could save many people, I have kept writing every day. Due to limited time, for the last two years I have been distributing materials in local streets on my way to work. Apart from my local area I have also handed out materials on other streets, trying not to leave out any families. When I write the materials, I think in my heart, "All beings, please cherish this and read it carefully. Please be sure to remember that 'Falun Dafa is good.'" And before leaving, I send forth righteous thoughts. While riding on my bicycle, I recite,

"With righteous thoughts and righteous actions

He is diligent without letting up

Eliminating demons that damage the Fa

He is good to all beings" ("A Righteous God")

Therefore, I can always distribute the materials without problems.

Fellow practitioners, let's advance together to validate the Fa, to clarify the truth and to save the world's people.