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Latest News from China - 08/27/2001

Sept. 4, 2001


  • During an Exhibition, the Dafa Radio Program Resounding in Changchun City's Culture Square Triumphs over Loud Demonic Music
  • Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang City Collectively Validate Dafa and Eliminate the Evil
  • In Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, Illegally Detained Dafa Practitioners Protest Against the Persecution with a Hunger Strike
  • Head of the "610 Office" in Wuhan City Charged in the United States Seeks Revenge Without Restraint
  • Prior to Jiangsu Province's International Business Conference, Nanjing City Police Illegally Detain and Incarcerate Dafa Practitioners; Please Send Forth the Righteous Thoughts
  • Corrupt Officials in Shijiazhuang City Set up Brainwashing Center; Most Work Units Reject This Project
  • Critical Water Table Shortage in Shijiazhuang City; Water Company Plans Rationing of Water Supply
  • Dafa Practitioners' Firm Righteous Thoughts Rectify the Environment in a Custodial Station
  • Dafa Makes Criminals in Prison Become Good and Improve Themselves
  • Chongqing City's Maojiashan Labor Camp Extends Terms of Incarceration Indefinitely for Unbending Dafa Practitioners
  • The "610" Office of Liaoyuan City Plans to Kidnap Dafa Practitioners and Extort Money from Their Families
  • After Getting Drunk, Liaoyuan City Labor Camp Police Beat up Practitioners
  • The Vicious People in Guilin City, Guangxi Province and the Crimes They Committed in Persecuting Dafa Practitioners
  • Natural Disasters in Qingdao City Give A Warning to the People
  • Beijing's Xin'an Labor Camp Authorities Torture Dafa Practitioners by Forcing them to Perform Highly Intense Labor
  • A Dafa Practitioner from Guangzhou City is Kidnapped
  • In Buoxing County, Shandong Province, Scoundrels' Defamation of Dafa Causes Heavenly Anger
  • Lawless Persons from Various Institutes in Nanjing City Conspired with Each Other to Kidnap Dafa Practitioners
  • The Lawless Mobsters from Qingdao City Begin to Abduct Dafa Practitioners to Brainwashing Classes
  • Beijing Dafa Practitioner Li Lizhong is Arrested
  • Changchun Vicious Police Once Again Kidnap a Dafa Practitioner
  • The Criminal Record of Vicious Policeman Luo Chengrong from Nanjing City


[Changchun City, Jilin Province] During an Exhibition, the Dafa Radio Program Resounding in Changchun City's Culture Square Triumphs over Loud Demonic Music

At 2:19 pm on August 25, 2001, while corrupt officials were holding a "Dafa Slandering Exhibition" in Changchun City's Culture Square, World Falun Dafa Radio Station's program resounded above the square, suppressing the vicious forces and awakening the public. However, the devious officials did not give up, playing demonic music with a more powerful speaker to cover up the voice of Dafa. Practitioners immediately sent forth the righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. After a while, the demonic music weakened and faded away. For a long time, the voice of Dafa resounded above the square. Seeing the awakening sentient beings, practitioners could not help shedding tears of compassion.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang City Collectively Validate Dafa and Eliminate the Evil

In order to support the 130 practitioners who are on hunger strike in the Masanjia Labor Camp and other practitioners who are joining the hunger strike for justice all over the world, Liaoning practitioners took action. On August 24, 2001, practitioners in the province collectively stepped forward to validate Dafa and to suffocate and eliminate the evil, which effectively suppressed and shocked the wicked forces. The practitioners hung many Dafa banners reading, "Falun Dafa is Good," posted a variety of truth-clarifying materials and set up several loudspeakers. In the middle of a yard at a science hall, they spray-painted characters reading, "Stop slandering Dafa; Restore the Reputation of Dafa," onto a 10 meter- long (approximately eleven yard-long) exhibition board which was slandering Dafa. The vicious forces had no choice but to remove the propaganda board. Dafa practitioners' activities effectively eliminated the evil.

No matter how irrational the evil forces were acting and how adverse the situation was, nothing could change our practitioners' determined hearts for Dafa.

[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Illegally Detained Dafa Practitioners Protest Against the Persecution with a Hunger Strike

Beginning July 20, 2001, some lawless officials in Chaoyang City's Government and Police Department escalated the persecution against Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners were illegally detained and some others were forced to leave home and live in exile or become homeless.

On the morning of July 20th, officers from the local police office convened an illegal public trial meeting and forcibly took some practitioners to the meeting. They publicly humiliated these kind-hearted people and slandered and vilified Dafa.

As a result of this meeting, some practitioners are still detained in Chaoyang City's Custodial Center and Labor Camp. In order to resist this vicious persecution, over 20 practitioners went on a hunger strike. Up until August 26, 2001, their hunger strike has already lasted for 11 days. The situation is dire, and they are in extreme danger. We call on all kind-hearted people to work together with us to stop the vicious persecution.

[Wuhan City, Hebei Province] Head of "610 Office" Charged in the United States, Seeks Revenge Without Restraint

Zhao Zhifei, assistant director of Hubei Province's Public Security Department was responsible for ordering the torture of Peng Min and his mother and for the murder of burning a Dafa practitioner to death in Macheng City's Baiguo Town. Falun Dafa practitioners in America charged him with these crimes. The administrators of the "610 Office" (an office specializing in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners; 6.10 refers to June 10, 1999, when this office was set up) of Hubei Province and Wuhan City were very angry at this overseas legal challenge. In order to find out how the information was leaked, the authorities stepped up the persecution in Wuhan City, detaining many Dafa practitioners. We appeal to Dafa practitioners all over the world: please send forth the righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

[Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Prior to Jiangsu Province's International Business Conference, Nanjing City Police Illegally Detain and Incarcerate Dafa Practitioners; Please Send Forth Righteous Thoughts

The 6th International Chinese Business Conference will be held in Nanjing City in the middle of September. The corrupt officials in Nanjing City therefore increased the persecution of Dafa practitioners, using any means to detain, arrest and put practitioners into labor camps. Practitioners, please keep and send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. Do not cooperate with the vicious forces or allow yourselves to be taken away.

[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Corrupt Officials Set up Brainwashing Center; Most Work Units Reject This Project

After corrupt officials went to Beijing to learn how to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, they spent 1,500,000 Yuan (nearly $200,000; $60 is average monthly income in China) setting up a brainwashing center and recently attempted to open the class. This brainwashing center is located in Units No.1, 3 and 5 of the Shijiazhuang Labor Camp. It is set up to make money. Those work units that had sent practitioners to the brainwashing class had to turn in a great amount of money. Now the brainwashing class is asking every work unit to send practitioners for brainwashing. As practitioners' faith in Dafa is indestructible, many everyday people were awakening. Since it took a great amount of money for the class and most work units could not make a profit, many work units were not willing to cooperate with this criminal project. The lawless officials' devious plot is faced with being aborted before the project has even begun.

"A Dafa disciple completely opposes everything arranged by the evil old forces." ("Dafa is Indestructible," Master Li). We should take the initiative to clarify the truth thoroughly to people around us, eliminate the evil with our righteous thoughts and safeguard the Fa with determination.

[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Critical Water Table Shortage in Shijiazhuang City; Water Company Plans Rationing of Water Supply

Recently, a criminal group led by the "610 Office" in Shijiazhuang City frantically persecuted Falun Gong. The persecution of practitioners has reached such an extent that every conceivable means is used to its utmost: arrest-at-will, illegal heavy prison sentences, unlawfully posting names of destitute and homeless practitioners on a "wanted by police" list. Additionally, these criminals also wanted to open brainwashing classes. They declared that they would list as "wanted" all practitioners who left home, and they would send them directly to labor camps once they arrested them. Even those who had their names registered at the neighborhood committee also had to be arrested; those who refused to be brainwashed will, without exception, be unlawfully sent for labor re-education.

The persecution of the orthodox practitioners by the thugs brought disaster upon the local people. In the past two years, Shijiazhuang City has experienced scorching temperatures and dry weather, which resulted in an acute shortage due to extreme loss of the water table. The local water company is planning to supply limited quantities of water and is now installing new water meters for the residents.

[China] Dafa Practitioners' Firm Righteous Thoughts Rectify the Environment in a Custodial Station

Lately, several female practitioners were sentenced to forced labor education without due process of law after having already been unlawfully incarcerated in No. 2 Custodial Station for several months. Among them was Lin Xu (pseudonym). They were escorted to a labor camp. When they were detained in the custodial station, they were resolute and would rather die than give up the book Zhuan Falun, which they had brought with them. The righteous thoughts of practitioners manifested great power. Every day they do Dafa exercises, study the Fa and share experiences regularly and have already rectified the environment in this custodial station.

[China] Dafa Makes Criminals in Prison Become Good and Improve Themselves

A common criminal learned the Fa from a practitioner in a labor camp. The police guard found out about this when she was reciting Teacher's articles. As a result she was severely beaten. A practitioner asked the police guard, "Before, you punished her for doing bad things. Now she's learning to be a good person, why do you still beat her?" The police guard couldn't answer, and went away without saying a word.

[Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Maojiashan Labor Camp Extends Terms of Incarceration Indefinitely for Unbending Dafa Practitioners

Maojiashan Labor Camp authorities in Chongqing City refused to release practitioners whose detention terms had expired and illegally extended them. The officials used all kinds of excuses to prolong the practitioners' terms and cut off all of their connection to the outside world, including to their family members.

In 1999, practitioner Jian Ping who lived in Bishan County of Chongqing City traveled to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong and was illegally sentenced to "forced labor education." She was sent to the Maojiashan Female Labor Camp. Since she persevered in cultivation in the labor camp, she was taken as a "branch leader." The guard instigated common prisoners to beat her. They beat her so hard that her right leg was broken and she was left disabled. In May 2001, she was illegally arrested by the villains and was transferred to the Songshan Custodial Station. The guards sent common prisoners to take turns watching her 24 hours a day. Even the times she went to the restroom had to be registered. However, this practitioner was still being compassionate in treating the prisoners and kept rectifying the Fa. At one time the section chief searched the cell and this practitioner said to him while standing up, "As a Falun Dafa practitioner, here I express my heartfelt wish." As she finished saying this, miraculously, she took out a white Dafa banner about two meters long (about 6 ft). People who were present were all stunned.

[Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] The "610" Office Plans to Kidnap Dafa Practitioners and Extort Money from Their Families

The "610" office and Liaoyuan City Police Department personnel held illegal brainwashing classes. They planned to kidnap 50 practitioners, extort 600 Yuan from each practitioner (more than one month salary) and forcibly brainwash them. Practitioners who read this news, please send the righteous thoughts to eradicate the vicious forces behind them, remove their vicious thoughts, make them give up evil ways and return to the right path. Otherwise these bad people who have done all kinds of evil deeds will receive their retribution soon.

(The director of "610 Office": Bo Fuguo: Phone: 011-86-437-2903668, pager: 011-86-437-1271736135)

[Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] After Getting Drunk, Labor Camp Police Beat up Practitioners

The ruffian Kong Qingtong in Liaoyuan's Labor Camp drank alcohol and became intoxicated during working hours. One of the practitioners being illegally detained there pointed out to him, "A government official should not drink while on duty." Kong got very angry and beat up this practitioner right away. The practitioner was beaten and began bleeding from nose and mouth. Kong Qingtong has been promoted by persecuting Falun Gong and bribing his bosses with a lot of money. A practitioner's virtue is like a mirror reflecting back all the vicious things in the world.

[Guilin City, Guangxi Province] The Vicious People and the Crimes They Committed While Persecuting Dafa Practitioners

Chen Xia from the Guilin City's Police Department was the most vicious person in persecuting practitioners. Though she knew practitioners were good people, she still persecuted them. Since July 20, 1999 she was directly involved in the illegal sentences of several dozen practitioners to serve time in labor camps. Some of them have been sentenced to jail and many have been forced to live in exile.

[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Natural Disasters Give a Warning to the People

A few days earlier, Clearwisdom net continuously reported on the situation of Qingdao City authorities holding illegal brainwashing classes. A few days later, on the afternoon of August 24, there was heavy rain followed by tornadoes in three areas. Fifteen villages and towns suffered damage from hailstorms. More than 20 barns for raising chickens were blown down by the tornado and 40,000 chickens were killed. About 1000 acres of ripe grapes were ruined. Other fruit trees were also damaged to different degree. The direct economic loss reached 150 million Yuan. Actually, half month ago, Qingdao City was affected by the tornado "Tao Zhi" and suffered from heavy rainstorms. More than 20 people were killed. In another place, the flood washed away a chicken farm and several people were also killed.

The corrupt officials, by persecuting Dafa, committed crimes that brought the local residents serious disasters. All kind-hearted people: the heavenly principle of "Good is rewarded with good and evil meets with evil" covers every situation. We hope the warning from heaven will awaken you. Please be clear about the true situation and never think that the persecution has nothing to do with you.

[Beijing] Xin'an Labor Camp Authorities Torture Dafa Practitioners by Forcing them to Perform Highly Intense Labor

Beijing Xin'an Labor Camp's authorities abused practitioners by forcing them to work for prolonged hours. Everyday, practitioners had to pack disposable chopsticks for more than ten hours and were not allowed to sleep until 11 or 12 PM, sometimes even working until 2 AM the next morning. We hope people from all walks of life pay attention to this injustice.

[Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] A Dafa Practitioner is Kidnapped

Several days ago, two policemen suddenly took away Huang Zuanqing, a Dafa practitioner and retired worker of Dongya Restaurant in Guangzhou City. He has disappeared.

[Buoxing County, Shandong Province] Scoundrels' Defamation of Dafa Brings Retribution from Heaven

On the afternoon of August 24, 2001, thunder and lightning attacked Shandong Province's Buuoxin County, the accompanying wind blew away all banners defaming Dafa. Only one banner was left at the front gate of the County's committee, but the strings had broken and the banner was turned upside down.

[Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Lawless Persons from Various Institutes in Nanjing City Conspired with Each Other to Kidnap Dafa Practitioners

The vicious forces in Jiangsu Province are escalating the persecution against practitioners. Jiangsu Province will hold the "World Chinese Merchants' Conference." Being scared of practitioners taking this opportunity to clarify the truth to the public, which would block their way of getting a promotion and making a fortune, the lawless officials spent even more manpower and money attempting to eliminate practitioners' righteous deeds.

Prior to the last Spring Festival [Chinese New Year], a large number of practitioners had been illegally held at brainwashing classes in Nanjing City. As most of these practitioners refused to write so-called "Guarantee Statements" to give up Dafa, they are not yet released. It is reported institutions involved in this vicious activity include the Police Department, Political & Judiciary Committee and the work units of practitioners being held. They collaborated together with the work units providing the money, the police arresting the practitioners and the officials from the Political and Judiciary Committee organizing brainwashing classes and the resulting persecution. Although it is still one month before the opening of the Chinese Merchants' Conference, more practitioners have been arrested and detained. Since the beginning of August we haven't been able to contact fellow practitioners who have been keeping in touch with us all along. They seemed to have all disappeared. A fellow practitioner over 70 years of age is under house arrest. He has not gone outside for quite a few days.

We appeal to all righteous people around the world to pay attention to the persecution by vicious forces in Jiangsu Province, conducted against Falun Dafa practitioners.

[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] The Lawless Authorities Begin to Abduct Dafa Practitioners and Forcibly Send Them to Brainwashing Classes

Shibei District of Qingdao City, Jimo City and other places have begun to abduct practitioners and forcibly send them to brainwashing classes. We have heard the brainwashing class will last a month.

[Beijing City] Beijing Dafa Practitioner Li Lizhong is Arrested

In mid-July, police broke into Beijing practitioner Li Lizhong's home without a warrant and arrested him. The police confiscated another fellow practitioner's personal property including a laptop computer.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Vicious Police Once Again Kidnap a Dafa Practitioner

Around 3 p.m. on August 21, the vicious police illegally kidnapped Changchun Dafa practitioner Wang Yumei when she walked past the Changchun Tiexi Detention Center. Her whereabouts are still unknown. Wang Yumei has a 6-year-old daughter and an over 80 year-old father-in-law at home. We call on all kind-hearted people to pay attention to this matter. Anyone who knows her whereabouts, please contact us. Let's work together to eliminate the evil.

[Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] The Criminal Record of Vicious Policeman Luo Chengrong from Nanjing City

According to a policemen's boast, instructor Luo Chengrong from Yijiangmen's Police Station in Xiaguan District of Nanjing City is notorious throughout the city for persecuting Falun Gong, something he has done since 1999. At the beginning of the Spring Festival he even deceived practitioners and forced them into a brainwashing class using degrading means and did not allow practitioners to spend the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year] at home. Prior to the last Spring Festival, a practitioner of over 60-years went to appeal in Beijing. After being escorted back and held at a custodial center for one month, he (or she-gender not clear) was deceived by Luo and forced into a brainwashing class for half a year! Another practitioner was arrested and sent directly to a labor camp by Luo, only because he (or she-gender is not clear) clarified the truth of the persecution of Dafa to the public.

Every year, in order to win the title of "Advanced Employee", this vicious policeman, Luo Chengrong, has spared no effort in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He closely follows the political directives of Jiang and ignores all legal procedures. He arrests and detains practitioners willfully, at any place whether at work or at home and anytime either day or night.

Luo Chengrong's telephone number: 011-86-25-8814935 (home); pager: 011-86-25-3355888 call 4028.