á[Minghui Net]
1. [Shandong Province] Fa Conference Held in Central Shandong Province
On June 10, a relatively large-scale Fa conference attended by 70 to 80 disciples was held in the central part of Shandong Province. Through experience sharing, practitioners were able to discover where they fell short in their own cultivation; some also realized that they had not done enough to assist in Fa-rectification. The issues of selflessness and the improvement of practitioners as a whole were also important topics at the conference. Some practitioners also enlightened to the fact that all practitioners, whether in China or abroad, are one body. They realized that everything that they had already done was in perfect harmony with the whole. And therefore to advance even further, we should selflessly throw ourselves into the surging current of Fa-rectification.
2. [China] Exposing the "428" Office
We have discovered that besides the "610" Office (specifically established to persecute Falun Gong) in China there also exists a "428" Office. The "610" Office and the public security departments at different levels are the executive organizations at the grassroots level that report to the "428" Office. All personnel from the "428" Office are chosen from different parts of the country. They are required to be able to drive, to speak at least one foreign language, to be proficient with computers, etc. This office is the command center for the persecution of Falun Dafa. It operates 24 hours a day, with staff working in rotating shifts. It operates by gathering intelligence information and issues directives to other relevant offices.
3. [Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province] Further Exposure of Zhaodong Public Security Bureau in Torturing Liu Xiaoling to Death
Dafa disciple Liu Xiaolin was force-fed with rancid bean curd while she was held in the detention center in Zhaodong City, Helongjiang Province. When the legal medical expert performed an autopsy on her, her family members were informed that he had found rancid bean curd in her lungs. The police in the detention center have really lost all sense of humanity. The female practitioners who went on a hunger strike with Liu Xiaolin have recently been sent to labor camps.
Phone number of Liu Xiaoling's family members: 86-455-7767357
Phone number of the vicious police (home): 86-455-7785554
4. [Mianyang City, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Cultivate Dafa Firmly While Imprisoned
Dafa practitioners in Detention Center No. 1 of Mianyang City firmly maintain righteous thoughts, and never give in to the demands of the evil. Because they refused to put on prison uniforms, they were denied visitations from their family members. In protest, the practitioners all went on a hunger strike. As a result, they were tied to the beds and injected with intravenous drips. Zeng Xiaochun, a former employee of the Fucheng District Court, whose situation has previously been reported on Minghui Net, was regarded as the leader of the strike so she was detained in isolation. Her present situation is unknown. We call out to all kindhearted people in the world to pay attention to the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We also sternly warn the evil forces and their accomplices: Stop persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, or you will face Heaven's inevitable retribution!
5. [Taian City, Shandong Province] A Practitioner's Daughter Is Taken Hostage
In attempts to illegally arrest a Dafa disciple, the police in Taian City, Shandong Province, have gone to harass him in his home many times but have failed to capture him each time. Out of desperation, they took this disciple's daughter hostage. On June 9, Yang Xinman, the daughter of the practitioner, who studies at Shandong Science and Technology University, was secretly abducted. In the process, the police even extorted 6,000 Yuan RMB from the university authorities. The university authorities not only surrendered the money, but they also allowed them to take the student away. By the time Yang Xinman's family members learned that she had been taken away, there was no clue left to her whereabouts. This abduction was committed right during the final examination period at the end of the semester. Both the police and the university authorities have committed serious violations of human rights totally disregarding the studies or personal security of students.
Relevant Telephone Numbers:
The Office of the Dean at Shandong Science and Technology University: 86-538-6226204
The Politics and Security Office of Taian Public Security Bureau, Shandong province: 86-
The Politics and Security Section of Taishan District Public Security Bureau, Taian city, Shandong province: 86-538-8223814
6. [Ulapo, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] The Policemen at the Ulapo Labor Camp áCommit Uncivilized Acts of Cruelty
Over 70 female Falun Dafa practitioners from across Xinjiang are in custody at the Ulapo Labor Camp. Among them 60 percent are over 50 years old, with the eldest ones being in their 70's. Falun Dafa practitioners are forced to live in a dark and dirty environment day in and day out. They have to work for 17 or 18 hours in the daytime, and 3 or 4 of them have to share one bed at night. What they eat is inferior to dog food. Vicious police officers scold and beat them whenever they feel like it.á
Every day since February 2001, those policemen at the camp have picked out a dozen or so practitioners and viciously beat them with self-made electric batons. The beatings usually last about 2 or 3 hours each time and continued until the practitioners have written letters of guarantee (to renounce Falun Gong). Other wise they will keep on beating. The police officers beat practitioners' faces to ruin their appearance and they also hit other sensitive parts of practitioner's bodies. The policemen at the camp not only actively engage in the beatings, but also instigate other criminals to beat practitioners as well. The policemen at the camp even shamelessly forced the family members of practitioners to send silk banners that commend them for their actions.
We request that Falun Dafa practitioners use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements in this labor camp, and let these villains receive immediate retribution in this lifetime. Please use righteous thoughts and supernormal abilities to stop them from persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and make them release all Falun Dafa practitioners in custody.á
The following are telephone numbers of these vicious police officers in the Ulapo Labor Camp.á
Ulapo medium-sized group: 86-991-5949149 (office).
Ba Xiaomei (the head of a medium-sized group, a very cruel person): 86-991-95968-24039.
Li Zongping: 86-991-95968-24038, 86-991-2628032 (home).
Wang Yan: 86-991-96888-1955898.
Ma Xiaoqin: 86-991-4522650 (home), 86-991-5845020 (office).á
7. [Wuhan City, Hebei Province] An Eye Witness Account of the Persecution Falun Dafa Practitioners Received in the Wuhan No. 1 Detention Center á
I was held in the Wuhan No.1 Detention Center for 10 months last year, and witnessed how Falun Dafa practitioners were tortured there. Many practitioners were handcuffed for practicing Falun Gong exercises and for reciting the Teacher's articles. The handcuffing lasted for several days and sometimes for even more than a dozen days; this caused difficulties in eating, washing one's face, and going to the restroom. Some practitioners were tortured with "plank shackles" (said to be used only on criminals convicted of murder) for over a dozen days. These practitioners had to lie on planks full of bloodstains with their hands and feet shackled to the ground. A practitioner who was shackled like this couldn't move at all, and his or her whole body would smell due to the lack of washing. A 23-year-old practitioner named Peng Yan (younger sister of Peng Min) slept on "plank shackles" for 30 days, and she was also handcuffed with her arms twisted behind her back for 22 days.á
Besides physical torture, this labor camp also robs Falun Dafa practitioners financially. Upon arrival at the labor camp, all money and personal property is taken away.á
People accountable for these acts:á
Chiefs of the Wuhan No. 1 Detention Center: Zhu Mailing and Chief Hai.
Labor Camp Guards: Ruan Fang, Lu Hua, Liu Lianzhen, and Lu Jing.á
8. [Beijing] The Crimes Committed by the Chief of the Zhangguozhuang Police Substation are Affiliated with the Fengtai District Police Station in Beijing á
The chief of the Zhangguozhuang Police Substation is affiliated with the Fengtai Police Station and his subordinates have severely persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. On the evening of June 6, 2001, several practitioners who unfurled banners in Tiananmen Square were taken to the Zhangguozhuang Police Substation. The chief said, "Whenever a Falun Gong practitioner comes, we are going to kill him, and there will be no exceptions. We'll see if anyone dares to come." He then ordered Falun Dafa practitioners to kneel down. One practitioner firmly refused, and was beaten and kicked. The chief then threatened to deprive the practitioner of food for three days. Then a captain who was around 27-years-old came in and started beating this practitioner with a leather tube. He said, "It's useless for a Falun Gong practitioner to file any law suits against us, even if he is beaten to death." Three other practitioners were also tortured. Police officers whipped practitioners' ribs with leather whips. One practitioner was hung up so that his feet were off the ground; the chief hit him on his knees with a dumbbell. They also hit another practitioner with a tapered club; the practitioner was incapable of walking after this torture.á
These vicious people have completely lost their human nature while persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. What awaits them is the trial of justice.á
Badge number of the chief of the Zhangguozhuang police substation affiliated with the Fengtai police station in Beijing: 041410.á
9. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] New Criminal Offence of Police from Dalian City
On June 5, 2001, the policemen from Shahekou District Police Station tracked down and surrounded a resident house, and arrested three practitioners; Wang Xinbi (female), Sun Jinghuan and Zhao Yongzhi. The practitioners refused to follow the orders of the vicious policemen and were brutally beaten. The police then dragged Wang Xinbi out of the house by seizing her hair. Practitioners Sun and Zhao were beaten until they bled from their mouths and noses, and their limbs were also cuffed. The police took away two photocopy machines, two computers, and a batch of materials clarifying the truth of Dafa from the house.
A list of the wicked policemen:
Wang Shen, cell phone: 86-13500754680; pager: 86-95950-58259
Zhang Keli, cell phone: 86-13500727185; pager: 86-129-2536332
Fu Shouchen, phone: 86-411-4672804; pager: 86-2800000-89598
Huang Guoqing, pager: 86-96668-9800
Department of Political Security, Shahekou Police Station, phone: 86-411-4643138
10. [Jining City, Shandong Province] A Partial List of Falun Dafa Practitioners Being Tortured by Police
It is said that recently Jining police held a meeting and planned to get policemen from affiliated counties and towns to the city to arrest Dafa practitioners. After catching the practitioners, the police will be allowed to use cruel means of torture. A kind of torture especially mentioned in the meeting was to nail down one's hands and feet with iron nails.
We appeal to all international human rights organizations and kind-hearted people to please pay attention to what is happening in China, help stop and disclose the monstrous crimes committed by "human rights scoundrel" Jiang Zemin.
11. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Innocent People
Since June 2001, the police in Liaoyuan City have arrested innocent people. The former volunteer contact person of Liaoyuan Falun Dafa Assistant Station, Li Shulan (female) and her daughter-in-law, Yao Qingyan were arrested at midnight. Practitioner Sun Lizhu was arrested. Practitioner Meng Fanqiang was carried away by force. Practitioner Liu Ruisheng, who was just released from labor camp was also taken away for no reason and suffered a cruel beating. At present about 20 practitioners are detained illegally in Liaoyuan Detention Center.
12. [Manzhouli City, Neimenggu] Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested for Tearing Down Flyers Slandering Dafa
On June 5, 2001, two sisters with the family of Xu from Manzhouli City, who are both Dafa practitioners were arrested by vicious policemen because they were removing evil flyers that were slandering Dafa. They were detained in the South District Police Substation and were forced to write repentance letters. The police will not release them if they do not write "three letters"[materials declaring that they will give up practicing Falun Dafa].
Phone of the Police Substation: 86-470-6214000
13. [Liangzhong City, Sichuan Province] Police Tortured Falun Gong Practitioners
In January 2001, Liangzhong City Police secretly arrested over twenty Falun Gong practitioners and illegally detained them for two weeks. The police then moved them to the No. 2 Detention Center, under the pretense of having a class in the study of law (actually a brainwashing class), and forced them to give up practicing Falun Gong by using threats, intimidation, and deception. The practitioners had still not been released, even after as long as four months of detainment.
Practitioner Feng Ping protested the illegal detainment, but the spiteful bullies of the detention center, Director Du, and Police Officer Hu Guolin, grabbed practitioner Feng Ping's hair, held Feng's head to the ground, and stomped on it. They restrained practitioner Feng with handcuffs and shackles, and brutally beat Feng using police batons, resulting in welts all over Feng's body. All Falun Dafa practitioners in the brainwashing class protested this vicious atrocity by going on a hunger strike.
14. [Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province] Accounts of Police Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
Falun Dafa practitioners Li Yuanyuan, Zhao Haiming, Guo Yonggang, Han Tianwang, and Wang Boshan were arrested and illegally detained on December 27, 2000, for distributing literature clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. The police brutally beat and kicked practitioner Wang Boshan, resulting in the bruising of large areas around his waist. The police considered Zhao Haiming to be an organizer, so they interrogated him many times and physically abused him for about six hours each time. On the same day, the police had illegally ransacked his home. Practitioner Zhao Haiming's mother, Liang Xuefen (also a Falun Dafa practitioner) was forcibly taken away and held in a detention center. She was not released until a month later, on January 29, 2001. She was not granted full freedom, but was placed under house arrest in her work unit. She has not yet been allowed to go home, to have a normal life. Practitioners Li Yuanyuan, Zhao Haiming, Guo Yonggang and Han Tianwang were sentenced to forced labor "education."
Wang Xiaoyan (female) was forcibly taken away by police simply for reading materials that clarify the truth of Falun Dafa at home on November 16, 2000. The police illegally detained her, confiscated all Falun Dafa materials from her home, and, on January 19, 2001, sentenced her to one year of forced labor "education."
Zhang Zhihua (female) was forcibly taken away by police and held in a detention center on November 17, 2000, after the police had illegally searched her house and confiscated some Falun Dafa materials. The police sentenced her to one year of forced labor "education" on January 19, 2001.
Cao Lihua and Wang Guixin went to Beijing to peacefully appeal, on January 19, 2001. They were arrested and escorted back to the local police station. After detaining them for several days, the police sentenced them each to one year of forced labor "education."
Li Dan, Tian Hong, Zhang Chunling, Liu Yuerong, Chen Liangdi, Chang Guihua and four other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal and were arrested along the way. They were escorted back for illegal detention on January 1, 2001. The police requested that each of them pay 5,000 Yuan RMB for bail [Approximately ten months salary of an average urban worker]. Without bail, they faced sentences in forced labor camps. Their family members were so afraid that the practitioners would be sent to the labor camps, that they paid the bail amounts.
Chang Xiujuan and Zheng Yulan were intercepted on their way to Beijing to appeal, and they were each sentenced to one year of forced labor "education." Trapped in an environment ruled by threats, intimidation, and brutal beatings, they wrote the so-called "statement renouncing Falun Gong," and were released. After going home, they read an article on Minghui Net, which made them realize that they should never have written the so-called "statement renouncing Falun Gong." Immediately, they declared invalid any statement that they may have ever spoken or written, which did not conform to Falun Dafa. Consequently, the police sent them back to the labor camp again for a second round of forced labor "education."
Liu Liwei was arrested for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa on Tiananmen Square, on March 4, 2001, and was sentenced to forced labor "education" after having been escorted back to Heilongjiang Province.
Liu Jin (female) clarified the truth of Falun Dafa to the administrators in her work unit, but they sent her to a detention center. On April 5, 2001, she was sentenced to forced labor "education."
Ren Changcheng was sentenced to forced labor "education" for going to Beijing to appeal in February 2001.
Han Tiankun (male) was taken away and held in a detention center after police had ransacked his home and found some Falun Dafa materials.
Chen Qing (male) was placed under house arrest, for no apparent reason, by his work unit, from the end of December 2000 until May 2001. He requested to go home and to have personal freedom. His work unit did not release him, however, and instead sent him to a detention center for further persecution because he had refused to write the so-called "three statements."
Contact information of the responsible parties:
Mayor of Bei'an City, Ning Yunfu
Office Phone of the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Jing Zhanjiang: 86-456-6663369
Phone numbers of the Political Commissioners:
He Weimin, 86-456-6663706 (Office), 86-456-6664632 (Home)
Jiang Changjun, 86-456-6663703 (Office), 86-456---6665753 (Home)
Department of Political Security, Jin Xingnan, 86-456---6662144 (Office), 86-456---6666321(Home)
Li Wenge, 86-456---6692065 (Office), 86-456---6664227 (Home)
Note: The total number of employees in the "610" Office [An office created by Jiang Zemin's regime to deal specifically with issues related to Falun Gong] has reached over 60, based on incomplete information.
15. [Beihai City, Guangxi Province] About 200 Practitioners Detained or Sent to Labor Camps
According to incomplete statistics, about 200 people in Beihai City, Guangxi Province were detained or sent to labor camps, comprising over 90% of all the practitioners in Beihai City who continued to practice Falun Dafa despite the government persecution. The city officials have a blacklist of those people who practice Dafa; all the people on this blacklist have been arrested at least once, and most of them have been detained several times. Here we publish a partial list of the names of practitioners who have been detained or sent to labor camps so those who read this article can serve as witnesses to the crimes committed by the Chinese government against Dafa practitioners.
á Lin Hongbin, male, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Chen Xiao, female, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Zhang Xu, female, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Ma Fenglan, female, was detained for 15 days and sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Tan Zezhen, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education, and unlawfully fined 5,000 Yuan RMB.
Liang Junjian, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education
Cai Dexin, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education, and unlawfully fined 5,000 Yuan RMB.
Su Feng, female, was detained 15 days, sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education, and unlawfully fined 5,000 Yuan RMB.
Xu Quanping, female, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Xu Qunyuan, female, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Guo Zhaojuan, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 50 days respectively, and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Guo Zhaoping, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 50 days respectively, and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Li Daoqin, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 50 days respectively, and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Guo Liping, female, was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Hua Lijia, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education.
Feng Xiangbin, male, was detained twice, for 15 days each time, and sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education.
Lin Shoufa, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Chen Xue, female, was detained twice, for 40 days and 30 days respectively, sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education, and dismissed from her government job.
Chen Yanhui, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education.
Wang Simei, female, was detained four times, for 15, 15, 40 and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Lin Yezhen, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1.5 years of forced labor re-education.
Mi Qiong, female, was detained for 15 days and sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Long Yanxia, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively.
Huang Jinchun, male, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, forcibly sent to a mental hospital twice, dismissed from his government job, and sentenced to two years of forced labor re-education.
Xu Fengben, female, was detained for 30 days and unlawfully fined 5,000 Yuan RMB.
Wen Jie, female, was detained three times, for 15 days each time, and sentenced to 3 years of forced labor re-education.
Chen Peiyin, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 40 days respectively, and sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Huang Qianglan, female, was detained for 15 days and sentenced to 3 years of forced labor re-education.
Chen Huirong, female, was detained for 60 days.
Chen Xiaoqin, female, was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Wu Ziqi, was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Long Yanxia, male, was detained twice, for 30 days each time, and sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Zhou Xiuming, female, was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Tan Yuzhen, female, was sentenced to 3 years of forced labor re-education.
Kui Deqing, female, was detained twice, for 15 days and 30 days respectively, and sentenced to 1 year of forced labor re-education.
Zhang Guanxiu, female, was detained for 30 days.
Yu Gongyou was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor re-education.
Due to the Chinese government's attempts to censor all information about the persecution of Dafa practitioners, the above list can only document some of the names of those who have been sent to labor camps or detained. Before January 1, 2001, all the Dafa practitioners from this area who had ever been to Beijing, clarified the truth, or continued to practice Falun Dafa were arrested. They were tortured by various means, including electric shocks and savage beatings. Family members have not been allowed to visit them up until now. The homes of the above mentioned people have also been ransacked several times.
16. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] The Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Changchun Female Labor Camp
The Changchun Female Labor Camp is a place where horrible acts of inhumanity are committed. Guard Ding from Team 6, Guard Zhang from Section 1, and the team leaders Zhu, Liu and Li were particularly brutal and cruel.
The newly detained Dafa practitioners were steadfast in their belief and practice, so they were usually forced to write guarantee letters (letters stating that they would vow to give up their practice of Falun Dafa) right away. If they refused to do so, they would be brutally beaten and electrocuted. Some practitioners got blisters all over their mouths and faces due to these electric shocks and lost consciousness several times a day. Some practitioners' faces were bruised from the beatings and others heads were violently hit to the point of heavy bleeding.
There was another despicable method of torture. If practitioners refused to give up practicing, the guards would not allow them to sleep. Actually, it was the so-called assistants who carried out this punishment under the instruction of the guards and the team leaders. Some Dafa practitioners were not allowed to sleep for several days and nights on end.
Name, phone number and address of one of the guards from Heizuizi Female Labor Camp of Changchun City who tortured Falun Dafa practitioners:
Name: Li Tong
Phone number: 86-4317938390
Home address: The Commodity Inspection Bureau Residential Quarters (behind Changchun Hospital No. 2); the 6th floor, first gate from the east.