(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Fan Zhijun, M.D., 54, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Huizhou, Guangdong Province. She is the head gynecologist at the Meishan Railroad Hospital in Guangdong Province.
Huizhou National Security Police illegally arrested her again on May 23, 2005. She has been imprisoned in the Boluo Detention Center, Huizhou. Dr. Fan held a hunger strike to resist the persecution, but the guards force-fed her. She became ill after suffering severe abuse and was twice sent to the Huizhou Central Hospital. Dr. Fan was diagnosed with Level 3 heart disease and had a high blood pressure reading of 220/160.
After Huizhou City 610 Office agents sentenced Dr. Fan to eight years in prison, deputy head Wang took the lead to subject her to heavy torture, and shackled and handcuffed her. Dr. Fan was sent to the Guangdong Women's Prison on September 30, 2006. She lost consciousness during transport.
Dr. Fan's family members observed during a visit that she had to use a cane, moved with difficulty, and was mentally foggy. One family member strongly requested her release, but the officials said she didn’t meet the conditions for release. Her family member inquired why, with her poor condition, she could not be released. The reply was that there were so many people like that, and besides, it was not up to the officials to make that decision.
The former Huizhou Railroad Police Department Section-I head Xu Zhiping arrested Tian Xiuyan, Fan Zhijun, Zhong Jiawen, Kuang Dongying, Wang Zaishu, Li Hua, Xiao Kai, Aunt Wu, Aunt Xian and other Falun Gong practitioners. In May 2005, Xu Zhiping directed and urged agents from the Huizhou National Security and the 610 Office to arrest Dr. Fan Zhijun’s entire family, attempting to extort a confession under duress. Dr. Fan’s son was detained for a month and had to endure the officials' threats.
Mr. Chen Jinzhuo is a Meishan Railroad employee. Huizhou Railroad Police Department Section-I head Xu Zhiping is primarily responsible for the persecution of practitioners who worked at the railroad. Xu arrested practitioners many times and directed criminals to torture Mr. Chen Jinzhuo until he became mentally ill.
Ms. Liang Zihui, about 40, was an administrator at the Guangzhou Railroad Workers’ Culture Theater. Her husband, Mr. Chen Ruichang, was the Guangdong TV Station editor-in-chief’s deputy director. Ms. Liang was imprisoned in the Guangzhou Women's Forced Labor Camp for two years.
Several Guangdong Industrial University Security officers arrested Ms. Liang on January 24, 2005. They pushed her to the ground and beat her. On January 27, the Guangzhou Tianhe Police Department 610 Office leader Xu Qingsong ransacked Ms. Liang's home but found nothing.
Ms. Liang was imprisoned in the Tianhe Detention Center on January 25, 2005. Her husband was forbidden to visit her.
The First Court at the Guangzhou Tianhe Court was planning to hold a hearing at 8:30 a.m. on June 8, 2005. According to the response from the people who had left the detention center, Ms. Liang Zihui was seriously impaired physically and mentally. Her family members requested her release for medical treatment, but were told that the court date was scheduled for June 16, 2005 and only then would they make a mental assessment. The court also refused to postpone the hearing. Later on, the persecutors sentenced Ms. Liang to four years in prison and incarcerated her in the Guangdong Women's Prison, where she suffered from brainwashing tactics in an attempt to make her renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. Furthermore, she was deprived of sleep for extended periods and had to endure various methods of torture.
Ms. Liang Zihui once was arrested from her home near New Year’s Day 2001. Participating in the arrest were officers from the local Meihua Police Station. Many other practitioners were arrested from their homes or workplaces at that time. Ms. Liang was sent to the Guangzhou Chatou Women's Forced Labor Camp.
Practitioner Mr. Shan Jincheng, over 40, worked at Tianhe Engineering Section of the Guangshen Railroad Limited Company. He used to be the coordinator for the Baiyun area. Guangshen Company security officials and police officers arrested him in 2000. He was put into the Shenzhen Detention Center for several months, suffering from merciless beatings. He was again arrested on the street in March 2001 and sent to the Guangzhou Huadu Chini Forced Labor Camp for one year. Mr. Shan resisted the brainwashing persecution. After his prison term had expired, the officials transferred him to a Shenzhen Brainwashing Center in mid-April 2002. Policeman Jiang Yongxiong from the local East Police Station went to Mr. Shan Jincheng’s wife Xu Xiuling’s home to search and harass her many times.
The person responsible for Mr. Shan's persecution was 610 Office office section head Zhang Qingsheng.
Former Huizhou Railroad Police Department Section-I head Xu Zhiping actively participated in these acts of oppression and took 610 Office agents from the City’s National Security Bureau to practitioner Mr. Zhong Jiawen’s workplace and arrested him. He also led agents to search Mr. Zhong’s home in Guangzhou. When Mr. Zhong’s wife fainted and fell on the ground, Xu still compelled her, a non-practitioner, to hand over Falun Gong books and materials. Not finding any Falun Gong materials, Xu said the materials must have been transferred. Xu rushed back to the Huizhou Gu Tang-ao Detention Center to severely punish Mr. Zhong to extort information about any evidence, depriving Mr. Zhong of sleep for five days and torturing him severely. Mr. Zhong held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was subsequently put in a forced labor camp for three years.
Mr. Zhong, over 50, was abused until he was critically ill; however, the personnel in Huizhou City refused to sign papers to permit him to seek medical care. He was eventually permitted to see a doctor, but he remains in poor health.
Mr. Shi Lei, over 40, is a practitioner from Guangzhou. In March 2000, officers from the local Meihua Police Station arrested Mr. Shi together with Mr. and Mrs. Julie, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Gang, Mr. and Mrs. Wang. They were sentenced to fifteen days of detention. After Mr. Shi’s term was over, he was transferred to criminal detention. On June 18, 2000, Guangzhou practitioners went out to validate the Fa. After they completed the five Falun Gong exercises, Mr. Shi was put into the Huadu Forced Labor Camp for two years. He is still imprisoned there.
Between September 12, 2005 and September 13, 2005, agents from the Guangzhou 610 Office and its police department intruded on residents’ homes in various Guangzhou areas. They arrested practitioners Shi Lei, Chen Xianzhang, Fan Haiqin and her younger brother and father, Chen Huiling, and others. Mr. Shi was sent to Guangzhou Brainwashing Center in Chatou and was beaten mercilessly. Mr. Shi now has partial memory loss. Both of his hands and feet lost sensation and his internal organs were injured. The officers attempted to prevent family visits.
Mr. Shi Lei’s family members noticed his emaciated appearance within a mere two weeks. The Brainwashing Center officials feared that their cruel persecution of Mr. Shi would be exposed. That is the reason they only consented to a visit of just a few minutes.
When Mr. Shi’s family members saw him, he was in an empty room alone, on a backless stool. There was table and a chamber pot, but not a bed. His family members asked, "Isn't he allowed to sleep?" The people monitoring the visit didn’t answer. After a while, someone quickly said, "Yes, we did let him sleep. We took him the folding bed in the evening." After Mr. Shi was beaten mercilessly, he requested a hospital examination of the injuries, but the brainwashing center officials disagreed. Mr. Shi was imprisoned in the Chatou Guangzhou Brainwashing Center for about a year.
Ms. Fan Xiaofeng, over 50, was a retiree from the Guangzhou Railroad Corporation. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she went to the capital to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Because of her persistence in the belief of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was arrested and taken to the Guangzhou Brainwashing Center for persecution. At 11:00 a.m. on February 12, 2007, Ms. Fan was summoned by officials at the local Guangzhou Yuexiu District Nonglin Street Police Precinct. That evening, Ms. Fan was transferred to the Chatou Guangzhou Brainwashing Center. She has not returned home. Ms. Fan’s home had been constantly monitored for a long time. This time, the individuals who had arrested her were from the Communist Party Committee in the Guangzhou Railroad Corporation, as well as agents from the Security Office, the Guangzhou 610 Office, the Yue Xiu 610 Office, and individuals from the local Nonglin Street Police Precinct.
Ms. Huang Juxiang, over 50, was a Guangzhou Railroad Corporation retiree. She was arrested after July 20, 1999 for her persistence in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was taken to the Guangzhou Brainwashing Center where she had to undergo brainwashing. She was physically and mentally devastated and soon died.
Mr. Liu Shiwen, over 50, was a propaganda cadre at the Guangzhou Railroad Corporation. After July 20, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, the company's political officers forced Mr. Liu into acts he regretted later. He had been the coordinator for the original Falun Gong Guangzhou Assistance Center. The officers compelled him to defame Falun Gong on a TV program, to slander Falun Gong's founder and Falun Gong. Afterwards, Mr. Liu was extremely regretful and recanted his statement on the Minghui website. He was determined to restore the loss he had caused Falun Gong with his actions. Guangdong Province 610 Office agents and Guangzhou Railroad Corporation officials were terrified by this, arrested him again and took him to a brainwashing center to be "reformed."
The personnel responsible for the persecution:
Guangzhou Railroad Corporation: 86-20-87611371, 86-20-87122114; Fax: 86-20-87126159
Chairman of the Board, Zhang Zhengqing: 86-20-87128191 (Office), 86-20-87128292 (Home)
Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary, Deputy Chairman Jiang Linyang: 86-20-87128791 (Office), 86-20-87128089 (Home)
Deputy Chief Officer Cai Weijun: 86-20-87128391 (Office), 86-20-87128390 (Home)
Party Committee Deputy Secretary, Li Daihua: 86-20-87128379 (Office), 86-20-87128091 (Home)
The personnel responsible for persecuting Shan Jincheng:
Zhang Qingsheng, 610 Office section head: 86-20-61382058;
Wang Cheng, police officer: 86-20-61346048
Tianhu East Station policeman Jiang Yongxiong: 86-20-87146048
Meishan Railroad Limited Company: 86-20-87537797
Guangshen Railroad Limited Company, Guangzhou Train Station East Station: 86-20-510610, 86-20-86677144
Shan Xu, Party Committee Secretary: 86-20-61346390, 86-20-61346065, 86-13802975691 (Cell)