(Clearwisdom.net) I have experienced several things on my cultivation path during Fa-rectification, which if shared with people, would be regarded as "coincidences." However, they are in fact, all godly events occuring along our divine cultivation path. I would like to list a few examples below.
1. A Song Glorifying the Evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Stops Abruptly
On one occasion, I walked into a German audio store and was drawn to a Chinese song that was being played. I was very happy to hear Chinese songs in Germany. However, upon listening carefully, I realized the song was singing praises of the CCP. I was shocked that the CCP is able to extend its brainwashing all the way to Europe. I began sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all of the Communist elements in other dimensions so as to stop the song from playing. At the beginning, the song's tune and lyrics sounded very clear and flowed smoothly. It was pressing onto my mind, preventing me from calming down.
Then I strengthened my righteous thoughts, and was able to focus my mind and send out very strong righteous thoughts. Immediately, the song stopped abruptly and the entire hall became quiet. At this time I added a second thought, "No more communist songs shall ever be played in this store." It was a pity that I did not clarify the truth to the store manager and the other people there, or the effect would have been even better.
2. Portrait of Engels Removed
Two years ago, I went to a hotel store to buy some items. In the middle of the hall, I saw a large portrait of Engels – the co-founder of Marxism. After sending forth righteous thoughts to the portrait, I used my fingers to write the word mie (eliminate) on the portrait. The following year when I had another chance to visit this hotel, I was reminded of this portrait. When I came to the hall again, I found that the portrait had already been replaced with a landscape painting.
3. Opening a Combination Lock with Righteous Thoughts
I had once bought a luggage bag before participating in a Falun Dafa activity. While testing the lock, I accidentally locked it. Before I realized what had happened, I had turned all the dials to 0 and lost the code. I realized that I had committed a blunder. Although the user manual said that if you forgot the code, you could return to the shop to get a replacement. It was already late at night and I had a lot of other things to do. Therefore, I calmed my mind and sent out righteous thoughts towards the bag. I also asked Teacher to strengthen my thoughts. When I began going through the codes later one by one, I was able to find the right combination and unlock the bag within three minutes.
4. A Fellow Practitioner Who Did Not Read Teacher's New Articles Called Me
Although fellow practitioner A was very diligent during the personal cultivation period, she refused to read Teacher's new articles, and only read Zhuan Falun. She was not interested in the advent of Fa-rectification nor the content in Teacher's new lectures. All of us around her were very anxious and worried, and always thought about how to pass the new articles to her. She never seemed active or enthusiastic. I used to call her every six months or so to tell her about the progress of Fa-rectification. After some time, I realized that she was tired of me calling her. She could not understand many of the Fa-rectification activities that we were involved in.
Another six months passed and I could not lift up my spirits to call her. I was afraid that she would not accept the call, which could result in negative consequences. I sent forth righteous thoughts to get her to call me. A few days later, she actually called me. She told me that she finally had installed access to the Internet at home and was able to read Teacher's new articles, as well as the Clearwisdom articles. She also realized that some of the cultivation articles were very well written. I was very happy to hear this from her.
5. Calling a Fellow Practitioner To Get Up Early In the Morning To Send Righteous Thoughts
Practitioner B's husband had a hard time sleeping, so she could not use alarm clocks in the morning. As a result, all these years, she has been unable to send forth righteous thoughts at 6 a.m. in the morning. She was very shocked when the Clearwisdom editors changed the send forth righteous thoughts time. The fast progress of Fa-rectification leaves one with no more chances. Once the time is over, there are fewer and fewer chances to validate the Fa. Knowing that practitioner B's inability to wake up in the morning and not being able to send forth righteous thoughts in the morning was causing her worry, I was reminded of how practitioner A had called me. I told practitioner B, "It is alright, I will call you every morning."
Practitioner B said, "How can you call me if you can't phone me early in the morning?" I replied, "I will just call your name out in my mind and ask you to wake up in the morning to send righteous thoughts! It will definitely work!" Three days later, I called practitioner B to ask if she was able to wake up in the morning. She said that the effect is very good! She was able to wake up in the morning for several days in a row. She hoped that I would not forget to call her in the morning in the future. Through this incident, I found many flaws in myself. There were several times that the alarm rang and I was unable to wake up. Sometimes, after I had already called practitioner B, I would fall asleep myself.
Please feel free to point out any inadequacies in my sharing.