(Clearwisdom.net) One night, I turned on the photocopier and was about to copy truth clarification materials. However the photocopier would not pick up the paper, nor did it show an error message. I immediately realized that this was interference from evil elements, attempting to prevent me from making the materials. Immediately, my mother-in-law (also a practitioner) and I sent forth righteous thoughts.
However, after sending forth righteous thoughts for a while, when I turned on the photocopier, it still would not pick up the paper. We continued to send forth righteous thoughts, but it did not work. At that moment, my human notions surfaced and I thought, could it be that the machine indeed has a problem? Then I looked at the photocopier and tried to figure out what the problems was. However, as I did not have much knowledge about the maintenance of photocopiers, I only made a rough attempt to fix the problem, but had to give up after a while.
The next day, I was thinking about taking the photocopier to a repair shop. However, that would not only have been troublesome, but it also may have gotten too much attention. But I also worried about the safety issues of calling a service man to my home. I was thinking about this the whole day, and fortunately, we did not give up sending forth righteous thoughts toward the photocopier.
On the morning of the third day, I suddenly enlightened to the fact that anything serving Dafa has a life and is supernormal, how can it be broken so easily? It must be because I had omissions and was taken advantage of by the evil. At the same time, my mother-in-law told me that two days earlier she met a veteran practitioner on the street whom she had not seen for a very long time and that she had an attachment to fear. That practitioner mentioned something like the situation is harsh and we better transfer the materials somewhere else. At that moment, she did not stop and correct this practitioner, as she did not want to embarrass her. After returning home, she felt very uncomfortable when thinking about this. I believe these were all the reasons, which may have let the evil take advantage of it and consequently stopped the photocopier from working normally. I also remembered an article on the Minghui Weekly, which talked about practitioners studying the Fa and their sharing about computers and printers. I then spoke to the photocopier, "You have the chance to participate in doing Dafa work, which means you have a predestined relationship with Dafa. You are very fortunate, and please do not betray Dafa and its needs. There are so many Dafa practitioners and sentient beings waiting for the materials copied by you. You should coordinate well with me, safely and smoothly print the Dafa materials, and thereby we can make our best effort in saving sentient beings." On my way home after work, I sent forth righteous thoughts while walking, and had the strong thought that there was no longer any problem with the photocopier. Upon returning home, I turned it on, inserted the paper, and it picked up the paper! Everything worked normally.
Master taught in Zhuan Falun:
"We have said that good or evil comes from a person’s spontaneous thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences." ("Loss and Gain", Lecture Four)
Thinking about myself, I realized that at the beginning of my sending forth righteous thoughts, the thoughts were impure. While sending forth righteous thoughts, I was wondering what I would do if they did not work. When I turned on the photocopier, I was very worried and feared that it might not pick up the paper. I was not confident in my righteous thoughts. After that, I looked within and rectified my thoughts. Furthermore, the next day my mother-in-law also asked the coordinator to notify other practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts for the materials production site. Under the strong righteous thoughts of the one body, and as I improved my understanding on this issue and strengthened my righteous thoughts, the photocopier began working again.
Therefore, I enlightened that while doing the three things, we must particularly study the Fa well, and rectify each thought in our minds according to the Fa. Our minds should be righteous and pure, and cannot be mingled with any human notions. Only then, when we send forth righteous thoughts, will it indeed manifest its mighty power.
Above it my limited understanding, please kindly point out anything improper.