(Clearwisdom.net) The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party thoroughly and clearly describes the nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). During the brutal and inhuman persecution of Falun Gong, police officers followed the CCP, illegally arresting, detaining, monitoring and harassing Dafa practitioners. Heads of police departments became the point men in the persecution, which led to their tragic end. The stories of some police chiefs, below, validate divine justice.
Ren Changxia, a 40-year-old woman, actively persecuted Dafa practitioners when four Dafa practitioners in Dengfeng City were arrested for distributing truth clarification materials in the Dengfeng City government compound. Ren Changxia said, "Falun Gong is too reckless, and they even dare to hand out flyers in the government compound. I’ll make sure to teach them a lesson!" Four Dafa practitioners from Dengfeng City and Dafa practitioner Zhao Yueyun from Zhengzhou City were illegally sentenced to five years in prison. They were sent to the Xinxiang Women’s Prison. On April 13, 2004, a car Ren Changxia was a passenger in rear-ended the car in front. Persecutor Ren Changxia died in the backseat, although everyone else in the car, including the driver, survived without a scratch.
Lou Haoyuan, male, 48 years old, was the deputy head of the Yancheng District Police Department in Luohe City, Henan Province. He died suddenly on January 10, 2005 [Chinese lunar calendar] from a violent illness on his way home, drunk, from a party in another city.
Four people, including Chen Hongsi, head of the Meishan City National Security Bureau in Sichuan Province and Yang Xiaojiang, deputy head of Leshan City Police Department toured Emeishan City early in the morning of March 19, 2006. Their car hit a large truck. Yang Xiaojiang was decapitated, his head flying out of the car window. The other three people were severely injured.
Luo Jian, male, 37 years old, was the deputy head of the Changshou County Police Department in Chongqing City. On July 7, 2005, Luo was driving a car in the Huashan Tunnel, part of the Changsha-Chongqing Highway, when he crashed into a large truck in front of him. His skull was cracked open and his body looked wretched. A week before his death, on June 30, 2005, he had actively organized and participated in a large-scale arrest of Dafa practitioners in Changshou District. A dozen Dafa practitioners were arrested in Duzhou Town alone. Many more Dafa practitioners were harassed at home late at night.
Chen Wen, male, 40 years old, was the head of the Tongliang County Police Department in Chongqing City where he had vehemently persecuted Falun Gong. He had brutally tortured Falun Gong practitioners and had sent 15 of them to labor camps and detention center. On September 6, 2000, he drove his wife and brother-in-law in a Crown vehicle for a family outing. They hit a large truck and all three people died on the spot.
Zhang Shichun, male, 44 years old, was the deputy head of the Xinlitun Town Police Department in Heishan County, Liaoning Province. Around 3:00 p.m. on March 8, 2006, a deranged man hit the back of Zhang Shichun’s head with a pickaxe. He immediately lost consciousness. It was reported that the back of his head caved in and he suffered an extensive cerebral hemorrhage.
Li Hongge, the former deputy head of the Fuyu County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province continuously followed the CCP and Jiang's group as he fanatically persecuted Dafa practitioners. He is now ill and bedridden.
Li Ruiling was the deputy head of the Shenqiu County Police Department in Henan Province. He was diagnosed with liver cancer in the beginning of January 2005 and died on December 28th. [Chinese lunar calendar]. Li Ruiling was in charge of the National Security Division during the Jiang group’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong. He was deceived by vicious CCP propaganda and actively followed Jiang's group in order to preserve his self-interest. He planned, arranged and orchestrated the arrest, fines, harassment and labor camp sentences of Dafa practitioners.
Qin Baolin, male, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong, was the deputy head of the Wancheng District Police Department in Nanyang, Henan Province. Around 10:00 a.m. on January 14, 2006 he died at the Nanyang City Central Hospital after the medical staff failed to revive him.
Since July 20, 1999, Qin Baolin had avidly followed Jiang Zemin in persecuting Dafa practitioners and committed countless crimes. He was diagnosed in late 2005 with cancerous cells on four of his organs. The treatment would cost about three million yuan. His work place could not afford the bill. He then did public fundraising. People who knew him said, "He is being punished for persecuting Falun Gong; who can save him?"
Song Shihui, male, around 50 years of age and quite vicious, was the head of the Baoquanling Police Department of the Nongken Police Department in Baoquanling, Heilongjiang Province. He is now suffering from terminal stage lung cancer. Song Shihui was awarded the title "Outstanding Civil Police Officer" for his devotion to the CCP-directed persecution against Falun Gong during his term as police chief.
Qu Wanchen, deputy head of the Changchun City Police Department was diagnosed with necrosis of the thighbones back in 2004 and later developed throat cancer. Qu Wanchen has been persecuting Dafa and Dafa practitioners.
Li Xizan, head of the Baoshui District Police Department in Hainan Province was very committed to the persecution and had arrested Dafa practitioners against the law. He died from cancer.
The severity of the persecution in Baise City, Guangxi Autonomous Region is among the worst in the country. Since July 20, 1999, the 610 Office directed the lawless police officers in Baise City to fanatically persecute Dafa practitioners. Many Falun Gong practitioners were arrested, detained and sent to labor camps, and many practitioners left home and their families were shattered.
Huang Zhengxian, former deputy head of the Baise City Police Department in Guangxi Autonomous Region was executed on the afternoon of September 11, 2001.
Lu Qimao, former deputy head of the Baise City Police Department in Guangxi Autonomous Region died in a car accident at age 59.
Wang Yongzhen was the head of the Ning County "610 Office" and had been appointed head of the Ning County Police Department in 2001. Dafa practitioner Ren Yuling passed away due to persecution during Wang Yongzhen’s term as police chief. Persecutor Wang Yongzhen was diagnosed with lung cancer in September 2001, after having a quarter of his lungs removed. He was transferred to Heshui County as the county police chief where he continued to persecute Dafa practitioners. He arrested many Dafa practitioners in Heshui County in April 2005. His health has deteriorated.
Wang Shouyang, male, 50 years old, was the head of the Taohuayuan Police Department in Feicheng City, Shandong Province. He has vehemently persecuted Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999 and sent nine Dafa practitioners to labor camp(s). In 2003, stomach cancer necessitated removal of 4/5 of his stomach, but he did not give it a second thought. Recently, his stomach cancer relapsed. Doctors at the Shandong Province Cancer Hospital pronounced him "untreatable." He is bedridden at home.
Kou Xianqing, head of the Jingshan County Police Department in Jingmen City, Hubei Province died from illnesses on August 16, 2005 at the age of 60. Kou Xianqing was very corrupt before he became Number One at the Jingshan County Police Department. After the persecution against Dafa began in 1999, he followed Jiang's group and persecuted Dafa practitioners. He was personally responsible for all Dafa practitioners in Jingshan County who were arrested and sentenced to forced labor and prison during his term.
Zou Fanglu was in his 40s. He was the deputy head of the Zhong District Police Department in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. He had a sudden bout of illness in 2002 that turned out to be cancer. He was sent to the Chongqing Hospital but died after medical treatments failed.
Han Shangbin, former head of the Yuzhong County Police Department in Lanzhou City fell and rolled down a hill on the afternoon of May 12, 2004. His body hit a pile of bricks and he died. His body remained undiscovered for four days.
Li Changmin, former deputy head of the Lingwu City Police Department in Ningxia Autonomous Region tortured Falun Gong practitioner Lu Hongfeng to death on September 6, 2000. Li Changmin later developed a strange illness and died before the doctor could reach a diagnosis.
Yang Jianqiao, male, 42 years old, was the deputy head of the Yingcheng City Police Department. He accidentally came in contact with an electric wire with his fishing pole during a fishing trip. He was electrocuted and died on the spot.
One afternoon Xu Yuqing, former deputy head of the Jilin Province Security Bureau, was hit by passing cars and killed after he stepped out of a car.
Zhang Jin, former deputy head of the Dafang County Police Department in Guizhou City suffered from nose and throat cancer. He died in Bijie City after spending tens of thousands of yuan on medical bills.
Zhang Jibiao, head of the Bin County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province fell unconscious from a strange illness and died on August 9, 2003.
Zhang Xiuming, deputy head of the Chicheng County Police Department in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province suddenly developed a strange condition called "teapot cancer" in July 2003.
Hu Biran, former head of the Wanyuan Police Department in Sichuan Province is suffering from late-stage throat cancer. His family is looking everywhere for a cure, but nothing has helped him.
Zheng Heping, former head of the Shenqiu County Police Department in Zhoukou City, Henan Province died in a car accident on his way to Zhengzhou City. None of the other six people in the car had so much as a scratch.
Dong Jianhua, male, around 42 years of age, was the deputy head of the Fangzi District Police Department in Weifang City, Shandong Province. Jiang's group had ordered him since 1999 to persecute Falun Gong. He had resorted to various savage methods to suppress Dafa practitioners. He extorted huge amounts of "fine" money from numerous Dafa practitioners. Many practitioners went into exile to avoid further persecution.
On September 14, 2001, Dong Jianhua and his wife traveled to Qingdao City. Traveling along a highway around 11:00 p.m., his car suddenly sped forward and went underneath a gasoline transport truck. He died instantly.
Zhu Kaichao, former head of the Maanshan City Police Department got in a car accident on June 19, 2001. He was in a vegetative state the next day and died on the third day.
Cai Wenjie, 52 years old, was the deputy head of the Angxi District Police Department in Qiqihar City who died suddenly from a stroke in October 2001, four days after he had sent two Dafa practitioners to a labor camp.
Li Shengxin, deputy head of the Xuanhua County Police Department in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province was in his 40s and died in early June 2004 from stomach cancer.
Chen Xingde, former deputy head of the Yutai County Police Department in Shandong Province died in a car accident in front of an elementary school on November 24, 2004.
Li Hai was the former head of the Meishan City Police Department in Sichuan Province. He committed suicide on the evening of February 22, 2004 by jumping off an office building at the Yaan City Police Department.
Shi Jianping, former deputy head of the Fushun City Police Department in Liaoning Province is suffering from liver necrosis due to terminal stage liver cancer.
Police chiefs! You all clearly know that Falun Gong is wrongfully persecuted. An ancient proverb says, "Be prepared for danger in times of safety." Although you may feel fine right now, you are in fact in a very dangerous situation. We hope you can make the right decision on the Falun Gong issue, because the time the heavens have endowed you with is limited!
All of the above incidents are taken from the Minghui website.