(Clearwisdom.net) I was shocked to see the news that Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Zhong from Chongqing City had been persecuted to death. I did not want to believe its was true. Vivid images of the persevering glow in Zhang Zhong's eyes, his honest smile and pure image surfaced in my mind. He was such a young man. He was so healthy only a year ago when I saw him, but in just one year, he was persecuted to death. How will his older mother bear such sorrow? And how will his illegally imprisoned wife be able to take it? He has passed away under such injustice!
I first met Mr. Zhang Zhong before the persecution began on July 20, 1999. He was a volunteer coordinator for his area. From other practitioners, I learned that he always came early and left last, silently putting in extra effort for everyone. At his workplace, everyone knew him as a great young man. My first impression of him was that he was very honest and approachable. Not long after he and his wife were married, both of them wholeheartedly cultivated Falun Dafa. From them, I could feel the tremendous joy that Dafa had brought them.
After July 20, 1999, they were both illegally arrested after refusing to give up practicing Falun Dafa. Zhang Zhong was sentenced to twelve years and imprisoned at the Hongweixing Prison in Daqing City. His wife Ms. He Zhihong was sentenced to three years in a labor camp at the Harbin Rehabilitation Center (now known as the Heilongjiang Women's Labor Camp). Three years later, Ms. He returned to an empty house. She went to the Hongweixing Prison to see her husband twice, but the prison guard only allowed her to see him briefly from afar. How could she have imagined that this would be the last time she would see her husband? Not long after, Ms. He was arrested once again by the corrupt officials for clarifying the truth. She is currently imprisoned at the Heilongjiang Women's Labor Camp once again for further persecution.
In 2004, after suffering a series of inhumane tortures, Mr. Zhang Zhong was in critical condition – all his organs were malfunctioning, he had spasms in muscles all over his body, partial psychological paralysis, breathing complications, irregular heartbeat and he was in a coma for long periods of time. His blood pressure constantly oscillated around 40-50 mm. Hg. He was reduced to skin and bones. Only in this near-death situation did the prison agree to have him bailed out for medical treatment. Even then, the city was barricaded and Zhang Zhong was not allowed to go outside Daqing City for treatment in Harbin. Seeing his emaciated son, Zhang Zhong's father could only cry silently and helplessly. While it seemed truly hopeless at the time, Dafa saved Zhang Zhong. With the help of fellow practitioners, Zhang Zhong was able to recover after a month of practicing and studying the Fa.
The second time I saw Zhang Zhong was during an experience-sharing conference. I saw a young adult reading his paper and felt that he looked very familiar. I realized suddenly: Isn't this Zhang Zhong who had been persecuted so badly only a few months ago? It was miraculous, within a few months, he had recovered so well. I was filled with admiration from the bottom of my heart for how miraculous Dafa is!
The third time I saw Zhang Zhong was in August 2005. In the intense heat of the summer, he was wearing thick sweat pants and a jacket. I was saddened immediately. Sentient beings! Please awaken quickly! Dafa disciples have undergone so many hardships for all of you – giving up their homes, jobs etc., so as to awaken you and help you have a good future! By this time, Zhang Zhong had fled his home to avoid arrest. Seeing his weathered silhouette and the persevering glow in his eyes, I was reminded of his heartwarming family, and I was reminded of his wife that he rarely saw... However, he rose above the hindrance of these worries, and persevered forward on his chosen path of truth.
I had never thought that today, a year hence, such a young life would be persecuted to death. Many, many people are saddened by his departure.
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Category: Deaths