- [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Bai Junjie and Mr. Wu Gang Arrested and Detained
- [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dai Lianwei from Dong'anzhuang Township was Tortured into a Mental Breakdown
- [Xishui County, Hubei Province] Mr. Fan and Mr. Guo Chunliu Illegally Arrested
- [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhao Shuying Illegally Arrested
- [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Zeng Siying and fellow Practitioner from Hongjiang District Illegally Arrested and Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
- [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Han Bing Arrested and Detained
- [Suizhou City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhu Haiding Illegally Arrested
1. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Bai Junjie and Mr. Wu Gang Arrested and Detained
On January 28, 2005, police from the Qiaodong National State Brigade of Zhangjiakou City, and the Five One Street Police Station, Hebei Province arrested Ms. Bai Junjie. She had long remained homeless to avoid arrest, but by following her, and lying in wait, they finally caught her. They took her to the Five One Street Police Station. After an illegal interrogation they detained Ms. Bai at the Shisanli Detention Center. Ms. Bai went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. By February 19, she was on the verge of death. Ignoring that her condition was critical, the Qiaodong Procuratorate held an illegal trial in the conference room of the Thirteen Li Detention Center.
On February 7, 2005, seven policemen from the Qiaoxi National Security Brigade broke into the house of Mr. Wu Gang's mother. Ms. Wu was caring for his 78 year-old mother while she recovered from her second rectal cancer surgery. They "invited" Mr. Wu to answer a few questions at the police station. After an illegal questioning, and ignoring the fact that his mother had no one to look after her, they detained Mr. Wu at the Thirteen Li Detention Center.
Relevant telephone numbers:
Country code 86, City code 313.
Director of the 610 Office, Wang Jianguo: 2016415 (Office) 13513238911 (Cell)
Deputy Director of 610 Office, Yang Min: 2016687 (Office) 13831367538 (Cell)
The Zhangjiakou City Police Station Qiaoxi Sub-station leader, Yan Zhiyou: 8687238 (Office)
The Zhangjiakou City Police Station Qiaoxi Sub-station Deputy leader, Gao Xueping: 8041804 (Office), 2016216 (Home), 13903135868 (Cell)
The Zhangjiakou City Qiaoxi State Security Brigade leader, Gu Jianguo: 8687345
2. [Shenzhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dai Lianwei from Dong'anzhuang Township was Tortured into a Mental Breakdown
On a spring morning in 2001, the 610 office arrested Mr. Dai Lianwei, from Xi'anzhuang Village, Dong'anzhuang County, Shenzhou City of Hebei Province. He was healthy at the time of his arrest. They took him to the city's police station. Because Mr. Dai refused to renounce Falun Gong, Officers Jia Shuangwan, Zhang Yuanxiang and others beat him so brutally that he had a nervous breakdown and became unable to care for himself. When Mr. Dai was released his body was covered with injuries, and his mouth was covered with blood blisters from many electric shocks. Mr. Dai's wife, Ms. Li Yuxiang, was illegally held at the city's detention center, and was later sent to Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp for three years. When Mr. Dai returned home, he could only hold his two young sons and cry.
3. [Xishui County, Hubei Province] Mr. Fan and Mr. Guo Chunliu Illegally Arrested
In mid-January of 2005, secret agents followed Mr. Fan and Mr. Guo Chunliu from Xishui County of Hubei Province. They found Mr. Fan's apartment, broke in and stole his recording equipment. A few days later, the police from the Xishui Police Station arrested him. Mr. Fan used to work at the Xishui County Guankou Town Agricultural Bank, but during the year 2000, he left home and has wandered from place to place to avoid arrest.
When Guo Chunliu discovered that agents were tracking him, he left Xishui County for his daughter's home in Jiujiang to avoid arrest. The Xishui County police discovered him there. They waited outside the door and arrested him on January 5 or 6 when he went out to go shopping.
4. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhao Shuying Illegally Arrested
Ms. Zhao Shuying, 35, lived in Xihe Village, Xiheying Town, Shiwei County, Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province. Because of the persecution, she had to remain homeless to avoid being arrested. Thus her family was broken up. She finally found a job this year. She used her wages to care for her father, who is over 70 and can't care for himself, and her 7-year-old daughter. The police from Xuanhua County in Zhangjiakou City illegally monitored her sister, Ms. Zhao Shuzhen's telephone. On the morning of December 21, 2004, Xuanhua police officers Zhang Yanxue and Ma San located and illegally arrested Ms. Zhao while she was calling her sister in Maweigou of Beijing City. The police took Ms. Zhao's checkbook, phone cards, cell phone, mp3 player and more than 1300 yuan.
5. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Zeng Siying and fellow Practitioner from Hongjiang District Illegally Arrested and Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
Ms. Zeng Xiying and two other practitioners (names unknown) were arrested while distributing truth clarification materials before the Chinese New Year in the Hongjiang District of Huaihua City, Hunan Province. One escaped, but Ms. Zeng and the other were illegally sent to a forced labor camp. The details are unknown at this time.
Ms. Zeng's home address: The dormitory at the School for Hongjiang China Factory Workers' Relatives
Ms. Zeng's daughter, Xiangfeng's telephone number is 86-13187155556
6. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Han Bing Arrested and Detained
On February 2, 2005, personnel from Heping District Police Sub-station arrested Ms. Han Bing, over 50, of Heping District in Shenyang City. She is detained at Zhangshi.
7. [Suizhou City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhu Haiding Illegally Arrested
In mid-January of 2005, Mr. Zhu Haiding, a singer from Yichang City, Hubei Province, (who now lives in Suizhou City, Hubei Province) was clarifying the truth to local residents while performing in Nantong City. A local policeman, Xu Jianhua, arrested him.
Xu's Jianhua's phone number: (Cell) 86-13806272132