Arrested in Paris for "Distribution of Leaflets"  -- Witness Report About the Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners in ParisChris Blacklock, A UK citizen ( On January 24, 2004 I was arrested around the area of the Champs-Elysee, Paris. I was handing out leaflets about the persecution of Falun Gong in China before I was arrested. There was a large parade about to begin for Chinese New Year Celebrations. We had been denied permission to participate due to pressure from the Chinese government. I was one of eleven practitioners arrested together at the same time. The police handled us all quite roughly. Some of us were handcuffed and our hands tied together. We were thrown into the back of a police van. The door was closed into an airtight compartment, where we were deprived of fresh air. I was concerned about suffocation, and as time went by I became very short of breath. We eventually arrived at a police station, where we were handcuffed to chairs. We were detained there for several hours. I was later interviewed and told that I had been arrested for the "illegal distribution of leaflets." When I explained the persecution of Falun Gong by the Jiang regime and that we just wanted people to have the opportunity to understand the truth of Falun Gong, the police inspectors seemed to be moved by our plight and understood why we were handing out the leaflets. Nevertheless, we were treated as criminals, and were deprived our basic freedoms. Posting date: 1/30/2004 Original article date: 1/30/2004 Category: News & Media Reports
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