June 8, 2003
(Clearwisdom.net) Yang Jiangwei was sent to the hospital to recover from the injuries he received in Huludao Forced Labor Camp. Before the hospital could release him, he was sent back to the labor camp. He went on hunger strike and his physical condition is deteriorating daily. His current situation is unknown. The labor camp repeatedly denied his relatives an opportunity to visit him. On June 5, Yao Yanhui along with Yang Jiangwei's father and sister went to visit him, but they were illegally detained by the labor camp. Yang's sister was detained for three days, and Yang's father was detained for seven days. Yao Yanhui went missing on that day, and his whereabouts are unknown. The labor camp has probably imprisoned Yao. We call upon kindhearted people to pay close attention to this situation, and to help us clarify the truth and rescue Yang Jiangwei and Yao Yanhui.
Yao Yanhui had been imprisoned in Huludao Forced Labor Camp prior to this incident. In the camp, Yao was brutally tortured. In a violent attempt to force him to turn against Dafa, the camp police beat and tortured Yao, and caused Yao to lose consciousness for more than ten hours. The camp later transferred Yao to Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp in Fushun City, where Yao was tortured to the point of paralysis and had to lay in bed for more than six months. After over two-months on hunger strike, Yao walked out of the camp openly.
The Clearwisdom website has reported on the persecution suffered by Yao Yanhui in Huludao Forced Labor Camp and Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp in Fushun City. Below are the links:
Torture Causes Severe Nerve Damage to Dafa Practitioner Yao Yanhui at the Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp in Fushun City, Liaoning Province http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/2/2/18343.html
Yao Yanhui Tortured Mercilessly at Wujiabaozi Forced Labor Camp in Fushun, Liaoning Province - Has Been On Hunger Strike For Over Two Months
We don't have detailed information about the perpetrators who are involved in the persecution of Yang Jiangwei's relatives. One important person who actively persecutes Yang Jiangwei is Team Leader Liu Guohua (mobile phone: 86-13352399697 and deputy chief of the labor camp Yao Chuang (phone: 86-429-3126510).