(Clearwisdom.net) Three weeks before Christmas last year, practitioners in the city of Veitsh chheim held a Falun Gong photo exhibition with the help and support of the mayor and the city's Department of Culture. Many people came to view the exhibition, as a Christmas market was set up outside the city government building for the holiday season and many people also came to visit the city departments.
Photo of practitioners demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises published in the newspaper
Two former mayors attended the opening ceremony and the presiding mayor gave a speech. He said that Falun Gong teaches people to look within, and the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" has left him with a deep impression. The Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong is inhumane and should be stopped immediately. He understood and supported our efforts to rescue Xiong Wei. He also appreciated local Falun Gong practitioners' endeavor to make the truth known to people and to stop China's persecution. Shortly after the exhibition, a positive report on Falun Gong and the exhibition was published in a large local newspaper.
At the opening ceremony, practitioners sang songs composed by Dafa practitioners, "Being saved" and "Path of returning," and demonstrated the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises. Some practitioners talked to the visitors about the photos on display. An official from the Department of Culture told me later that she was amazed by Falun Gong and that she liked the practitioners' songs. Practitioners presented her with CD of Dafa practitioners' music as a gift. She wrote in her reply to a practitioner's letter, "Staff members of the city government saw that visitors showed great interest in Falun Gong. I was very pleased with this exhibition."
Local practitioners went to the city government building to demonstrate the exercises and explain the photos to visitors during the exhibition. Many visitors took our truth-clarifying materials and expressed that it is inconceivable that the Jiang regime is persecuting such a good cultivation practice. They signed their names on the petition letter. A Chinese woman said to practitioners that Falun Gong practitioners are great, and she had never thought that she would see a Falun Gong exhibition where she lived. She was amazed. She liked to read articles on Clearwisdom and share them with her friends. She said that her relatives and friends in China all knew that Falun Gong is good, and she believed that Falun Gong will flourish.
The local Dafa practitioners were very happy to see more people learning about Falun Dafa through the photo exhibition.