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Abuse Cases of Dafa Practitioners in Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province

July 06, 2002 |  


Female Practitioner Bian Weixiang:

I started practicing Falun Gong in November 1998. After July 2001, police broke into my home and performed an illegal search. They kicked the door of my small grocery store to pieces, scattering biscuits everywhere on the floor, and swept away more than ten Dafa books.

In October 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal, but was arrested when I unfolded a banner and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" I was sent to the Qianmen police station. At first, they asked for my address. I didn't tell them, so later on, they released me. I kept on doing Fa-rectification work on my return home.

Right before the 2001 Chinese New Year, the head of the local police forced me to his office. Under duress, I signed a guarantee saying that I would not go to Beijing during the Chinese New Year period. They also forced me to give them 3000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] as bail. I was freed after a two-day detention.

During the 2001 University Students Sports Games, the police went to my home to coerce me into writing a "no appeal, no practicing" guarantee, but I refused. They then brought me to the police station. I was unable to keep a strong will, and I wrote the "guarantee." Later I realized that was wrong, and wrote a solemn declaration to say that the "guarantee" was void.

During the 2002 Chinese New year period, the police forced me to the police station again and threatened to send me to a forced labor camp. I stayed there for one day, and escaped at about 8 p.m. by sending forth righteous thoughts to deny the arrangement of the old forces. I waited over 20 days before going home. My family was forced to give police 1000 Yuan as bail. I was actually monitored by police all the time, and my phone was tapped. On April 12, 2002, the local police station illegally sent me to the Wuchang 2nd Detention Center, where I am currently being detained. During this period of time, I was shackled and handcuffed in the room because I did Falun Gong exercises; I was even monitored while going to the bathroom.

Female Practitioner Chen Chunlan:

I am from Lalin Township, Wuchang City. On July 22, 1999, for going to the provincial government to verify Dafa, I was detained at Shuangcheng, then later at Wuchang, and released the next day. Since then, police have threatened us on all the holidays and festival days, saying that whoever goes to Beijing would be sentenced to forced labor camps.

In November 1999, I went to Beijing to verify Dafa, but was sent back to Wuchang city detention center and illegally jailed there for 15 days, and was released after 5000 Yuan had been extorted from me. On November 13, 2000, I went to Beijing to validate Dafa, and the police searched me and took 170 Yuan. I was illegally detained for over 50 days. I went on a hunger strike for 7 days, and 4000 Yuan was extorted from me and another 400 Yuan from my family. To avoid being arrested by police, I had to leave home for about 10 months. On April 14, 2002, I was arrested while staying in a fellow practitioner's home, and was sent to the Wuchang 2nd detention center. According to the orders from the city's "6.10 Office," we were not allowed to study Dafa or practice Falun Gong in the detention center. I was shackled and tortured for ten days for doing Falun Gong exercises.

Practitioner Gao Jinling:

I am a female, 37 years old, from Baojia village, Weiguo Township. I lived in a rented apartment in Wuchang City. At noon on April 22, 2002, Qianjin police handcuffed me at their station citing residential registration as the reason. [Note: In China each home has to register with the police everyone who lives in that home.] Later, they went back to search for books. They took 16 Dafa books, one new tape recorder, and exercise tapes. They tried to force me to curse people, but I refused to do that and was beaten up. I am currently being illegally detained.

Practitioner Zhao Qinghai:

I am from Xingsheng Township, Wuchang City. I had been detained for going to Beijing to validate Dafa. After my release, the policemen frequently came to my home to harass me, forcing me to sell my house and leave my hometown. When I was illegally detained for four months, my body was covered by scabies from sleeping on the damp concrete floor. The policemen showed no concern, and I remain illegally detained.

Practitioner Meng Fanzhong:

I am from Xiang-yang Township. Arrested by the Xiang-yang Police Station on March 6, 2002, I was robbed of 11,000 Yuan and a motorcycle valued at 5000 Yuan. Later I was illegally jailed at Wuchang 2nd detention center where I remain.

Female Practitioner Liu Huiqin:

I started practicing Falun Dafa in October 1998. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on January 5, 2000, and 50-Yuan cash was taken from me by police in Beijing. I was illegally jailed for 15 days and escorted back from Beijing. I was only released after a ten-day hunger strike, a 4,300-Yuan fine, and a guarantee written by family members under pressure from the policemen.

On the morning of November 21, 2000, police broke in to my home and lied to me by saying the head of police wanted to talk with me, but they actually sent me to a detention center for three months illegal detainment and brainwashing. I went on a hunger strike to demand my release. I was force-fed three times and released after 2,350 Yuan had been extorted from me.

On the morning of January 15 2001, police lied to me again, telling me to come to the police station to pick up some paper work. Then they took me to the 2nd detention center where I remain. I went on a hunger strike for more than 20 days, and was shackled for four days, but they wouldn't release me. Later I was shackled and tortured for ten days for doing Falun Gong exercises.

Practitioner Min Zhengguo:

On April 27, 2002, policemen from Tuanjie police station came to my home on the pretext of residential registry, but actually searched my home. They took away all my Dafa books, a VCD player, an amplifier, and Dafa lecture tapes. Later, police illegally sent me to the Wuchang 2nd detention center and detained me there.

Practitioner Zhang Donghua, female, 41 years old:

On the evening of March 15, 2002, I was tailed by police while distributing Dafa truth materials. The second day when I went to work, police searched my home and took away the Dafa lecture tapes, and the book Zhuan Falun. Now I am being illegally detained in the Wuchang 2nd detention center.

Practitioner Zou Zhiyuan:

I am from Shanhe Township in Wuchang City. I was jailed for appealing to the government on New Year's day of 2001, and bailed out on May 23, 2001. On July 3, 2001, I was kidnapped by policemen for having Dafa materials and books in my home. I was bailed out on August 8, 2001. The following day I was illegally detained by Wuchang public security bureau and I am being held on an unspecified charge. I have suffered economic losses of about 10,000 Yuan, I have been interrogated and tortured by policemen during this period of time, and I have been seriously hurt mentally.

Practitioner Zhang Meng:

I am from Xingsheng Township, Wuchang City. Ient to Beijing to validate Dafa in the fall of 2000, and I was escorted back and jailed locally for more than 4 months. I went to Harbin to look for work through the introduction of fellow practitioners but was illegally detained in the Harbin detention center for one month and then sent back to Wuchang City and detained for more than three months. On March 7, 2002, I was arrested by Minyi police, Wuchang city while delivering Dafa truth materials. I was beaten up many times, seriously hurt on my face and body, after which I fainted and remained unconscious for over ten minutes. Later I was tortured and interrogated for a second time in order to reveal the source of the materials, but they finally stopped asking for it since they could not get an answer from me. I have been detained ever since. After being handcuffed behind the back, I lost the feeling in my arms for about one month. One motorcycle worth 7,000 Yuan was illegally confiscated.

Female Practitioner Xu Changqing:

I am from Anjia Township, Wuchang City. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on April 25, 1999, but was intercepted at Jinzhou. I went to the provincial government at Harbin to validate Dafa on July 22, 1999. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on October 29, 1999, and was escorted back and sent to the Wuchang 2nd detention center to be illegally detained for five and a half months. I was shackled for five days during that period for doing Falun Gong exercises and suffered economic losses of over 10,000 Yuan. On June 18, 2000, policemen lied to me to get me to the detention center and illegally jailed me for one month, and extorted 1,400 Yuan. Since then, policemen have frequently harassed my family, made my husband and child extremely anxious all the time, and my child died in an accident. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on November 6, 2001. I was escorted back and remain in detention. I have been frequently being beaten and cursed. Once I went on a hunger strike for 20 days to protest but was not released. I was shackled for 10 days for doing Falun Gong exercises in the jail. Police also forced my husband to divorce me, or he would loose his job.

Female Practitioner Jiang Shufang:

I am from Lalin Township, Wuchang City. I went to the provincial government to validate Dafa. On July 22, 1999, I was sent to Shuangcheng, then back to Wuchang and illegally detained for five days, and released after 500 Yuan was extorted from me. Since then, policemen frequently harass me on holidays or special days. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on November 13, 2000, and 180 Yuan cash was taken by the police in Beijing. Later I was escorted back to Wuchang and illegally detained for 47 days. I was then released after a five-day hunger strike, and 500 Yuan was extorted from me, and another 830 Yuan from my family.

On October 1, 2001, I was arrested by police on my way back from a fellow practitioner's home, and have been detained at the Wuchang 2nd detention center ever since, leaving a 12-year-old child and a senior unattended. The sick senior has problems walking. My daughter-in-law (a Dafa practitioner) was also illegally sent to a forced labor camp.

Female Practitioner Liu Fang:

I started practicing Dafa in February 1998. Within a dozen days after July 20, 1999, the head of the local police broke into my home to search for Dafa books. They took me to the police station after beating me up, and they went to my home to fetch Dafa books again. Then they detained me at Wuchang 2nd detention center for more than one month. My rib was broken during a beating. They released me after extorting 500 Yuan.

In October 2000, I went to Beijing to validate Dafa, was intercepted by police and illegally detained for one month and 1,700 Yuan was extorted from me. I refused to write the "three guarantees"(letter of regret, letter of guarantee, letter of exposition and criticism) but was still released.

I went to Beijing to validated Dafa in February 2001. I was captured by plainclothes police in Shenyang, when I showed banners at Shenyang railway station to validate Dafa. I was arrested and taken to a police station. I was escorted back and illegally jailed in the Wuchang 1st detention center. I went on a hunger strike to ask for my release. I was released ten days later after over 1,000 Yuan was extorted from me. Policemen had been monitoring me, and I was forced to leave home.

Female Practitioner Gao Yaling:

I started practicing Dafa on March 6, 1999. I went to Beijing to validate Dafa on November 19, 2000. My banner was taken away by plainclothes police before I could raise it up high in Tiananmen Square, and I was dragged to a police car and taken to the Qianmen police station. The police there took my 180-Yuan cash and two fountain pens. After being detained in Beijing for two days, I was escorted back and detained at Jinshan detention station, Wuchang city. I went on a hunger strike to request release but was force-fed with plastic tubes inserted into my nose. 10 days later I was sent to a hospital for injections. I went on a second hunger strike. After 8 days, police pressed my family to write a "guarantee of no appeal" and pay 2000 Yuan as a condition of my release. I am still being detained.

Practitioner Lu Zhifan: Illegally sent to a forced labor camp for delivering Dafa truth materials.

Practitioner Sun Guoquan: Arrested for posting Dafa truth-clarifying posters, illegally sent to forced labor camp after being jailed for a few days at a detention center.

Practitioner Li Jingcheng: Illegally sent to a forced labor camp after police found Dafa truth materials in his home.

Practitioner Dong Shaozhi: Illegally sent to a forced labor camp, reason unknown.

Practitioner Song Jinkui: Illegally sent to a forced labor camp, reason unknown.


(The above information has been collected up to May 9, 2002)
