(clearwisdom.net) Today, I am overwhelmed by heart-rending grief after hearing that Lin Chentao, a good friend of my husband and I, and an alumnus of my school, has been tortured to the point of mental collapse and is and unable to take care of himself while unlawfully detained at the Tuanhe forced labor camp in Beijing.
Lin entered the Biology Department of Shamen University in 1982, and graduated in 1987. My husband and I were in the same department as Lin while attending Shamen University. Later, my husband and I studied and worked at the Concord Medical School in Beijing. Lin came to the Concord medical school in 1991 as a graduate student in the Biochemistry Laboratory.
In 1993, Chentao was lucky enough to attend the lectures given by Master Li in Changxindian, Beijing. Hence, his search for the true meaning of life was ended. Overjoyed, he told my husband and me about the lectures. We got the chance to listen to Teacher Li's lecture at the Beijing Health Expo in 1993. Later, the three of us attended the 9-day Falun Gong seminar given by Teacher Li in Tianjin together.
Chentao was a serious science researcher. When he first practiced Falun Gong, his adviser, a famous geneticist in China didn't understand his practice. In 1998, I read an experience sharing article Lin had written. What impressed me most were the comments his adviser made about Lin to a student who was going to study abroad. The student asked, "What grade will you give me"? His adviser said, "50 points". "How about Lin Chentao," the student asked. "120 points, I am only able to teach a student to obtain 50 points. The other 70 points come from his Falun Gong teacher (Teacher Li)," the adviser said. I was deeply moved by his advisor's comment, which proved that by following the principle of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance," Lin had been perfecting himself, becoming an excellent researcher that even his advisor admired, and changing his advisor's opinion about Falun Gong.
After practicing Falun Gong, Chentao became energetic. In 1998, he initiated and took part in the "A Report on the Health Status of Ten Thousand Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing." After the anti-Falun Gong campaign in China started in July 1999, he was under heavy pressure from different governmental organizations, including the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) central committee, which tried to coerce him into conceding that the report was wrong. But Chentao openly verified that the report was true and reliable.
The Concord Medical School in Beijing was founded by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1917, and is an internationally famous institute. Most of its graduate students go abroad for further study. In 1995, after finishing his graduate studies, the school employed Chentao. He is the only person in the past few years to adhere to the five year contract, and worked contentedly. He was a major member of the government "863" high-tech program. He once represented his team to report to the national "863" review committee, and was praised by experts.
Chentao's daughter Lin Minghui, who is almost three now, was born just as the anti-Falun Gong campaign started. Lin was first arrested by police for showing his daughter's photos to fellow practitioners. He was charged with breaking the rule that "a gathering of over three people is not allowed" made by the Public Security Bureau. The lovely Minghui was irritated by police arresting her parents. She was once forced to leave their apartment with her father just two days before the Spring Festival by policemen from the Dong Huamen police station in Beijing. She also stayed with her homeless parents when they were forced to quit their jobs; she went to a brainwashing class with her mother before both of her parents were arrested. Now her mother, Zhang Xiaojie, is jailed in the Xinan Women's Labor Camp. Her mother may not know her husband's current situation.
The Concord Medical School Basic Science Institute is located in downtown Beijing, and the student dormitory is very crowded. After Lin was deprived of his right to an apartment, he once stayed in the crowded student rooms, while his wife slept in a lab at night. I once called the Concord Medical School to find out about Lin being arrested. The person on the phone said: "I know, I know" after I said I was a friend, and kindly offered to help. This proved that Lin's kindness and unfair treatment were widely known.
The Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing is run by monsters. They tried every way to conceal their ugly behavior, and even fabricated lies to say that they treated Falun Gong practitioners even better than they treated their family members. The fact that Lin was tortured to the point of suffering a mental collapse reveals their savage behavior under a human disguise. They used many cruel methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners while trying many ways to show they were "nice."
I appeal to all the people in Shamen University and the Concord Medical School who know Lin Chentao, human rights organizations around the world, and all kind hearted people in the world, to help stop the inhuman treatment of Lin Chentao and all Falun Gong practitioners. Helping Falun Gong is helping justice and morality! A real scientist should also be a moral model.
At the same time, I strongly urge the Chinese government to release Lin Chentao and his wife, give Lin adequate medical treatment, and let his daughter be reunited with her parents.
If you would like to help, please contact us through the Clearwisom.net editors.
Thank you in advance for your time and efforts!
Appendix: Contact information of the China Concord Medical School and the China Medical Science Academy
Liu Depei: Principal
Phone: 86-10-65296415 Fax: 86-10-65240529
Liu Qian - Communist party secretary, executive vice principal
Jiang Changshen- vice principal.
Cheng Tongjian-vice principal.
Lin Changshen-vice CCP secretary
Song Xuemin- vice principal
Lu Zhongmei- vice principal
Ba Denian- former principal. Tel:011861062342680(H)
Address of the China Concord Medical School: Dongdan Santiao #9, Dongchengqu, Beijing 100730
The international communication office of the Concord Medical School
Vice Chief: Kao Weizhen
Clerks: Jing Jinlai, Ma Jingyun, Liu Lan, Fong Jing, Wang XiaodanPhone:
Fax: 86-10-65124876
Personnel office:
Director: Liu Yu
Vice director: Qi Xinai, Gao Baihong
Fax: 86-10-65253820
Manpower Exchange Center
E-mail: camsdma@public.bta.net.cn
The Basic Science Institute of the Concord Medical School
Director: Song Guoxin, email: songgx@cdm.imicams.ac.cn
Leaders: Hu Yongzhang, Li Xianghe, Yang Shanrong
Tel:86-11-8610-5256546 (or 5137536 or 5134466ext.)
Fax:86-11-8610-5240529 (or5124876)
Address: Dongdan Santiao #5, Dongchengqu, Beijing 100005
Molecular Biology National Major Lab of the Concord Medical School
Director: Prof. Wang Linfang
Vice director: Prof. Shen Yufei
Vice director: Prof. Qiang Boqin
Phone: 86-10-6524-0803 (O) 86-10-6318-6992 (H)
Fax: 86-10-6512-4876
Email: qiangbq@cdm.imicams.ac.cn
Professor Zheng Dexian
86-10-6513-4466ext.277 (O)
86-10-6776-2430 (H)
Email: zheng@public3.bta.net.cn
International Institutes who have relationships with the Concord Medical School:
USA: exchange students with Harvard University, Univ. of California at San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School.
Former president of the China Medical Board (CMB), Dr. Sawyer was awarded the Chinese Health Award by the Concord Medical School.
Chairman of the board of the CMB, Buchanan was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the Concord Medical School.
Europe: British Imperial Academy, National health Research Institute of France,
Swedish Imperial Academy of Science, Carolinska Institute (Sweden), Poland Academy of Science, Belgium National Science Foundation, etc.
Programs include exchange researchers, books, and magazines, joint research programs, seminars, etc.
Japan: Japan Renaissance Committee, University of Kumamoto, Kyushu University etc.
Australia: Medical School of Western Australia University
Hong Kong and Macau: Medical School of Hong Kong Chinese University, Medical School of Hong Kong University, Macau Jinhu Nursery School.
Other: Former Malta president Wensenter Tabohn was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by Concord Medical School.