By Dongdong
( Recently the Changchun Bureau of Public Security gave the order, "If Falun Gong practitioners are discovered in the act of putting up posters or hanging up banners, the police can shoot to kill." Obviously the common people don't understand this order, but even the armed police don't understand it. The Regulations of Firearms and Ammunition strictly forbids the abuse of firearms. Police are not permitted to shoot at will even when they are apprehending criminals unless their lives are in danger. Killing someone at will without giving them a trial, isn't that recklessly killing innocent people? Taking someone's life is a serious crime and no joking matter. In the past, only the worst war criminals were able to treat human life as if it were not worth a blade of grass. Perhaps the person who is putting up the posters is your friend, relative, or your neighbor. He only pastes a piece of paper--what kind of crime is it that makes you want to shoot to kill him? Isn't this overreacting? If a few banners were able to overthrow a country, then that country would have been built on nothing but paper anyway.
In fact, if you do not suppress spiritual belief, it will not backfire on you. Most people in western countries believe in religions. If the governments don't interfere or persecute them, the religious followers will not revolt. True cultivators from past to present have never wanted to meddle in other people's affairs. Once they have a place to practice cultivation, they will be very satisfied. After practicing cultivation, they become healthy, and they don't expend any of the country's resources on medical care. In addition, they take suffering as joy, and they believe that good deeds are rewarded with good, while evil deeds provoke retribution. They won't do bad deeds, because they believe that heaven is watching them. To tell the truth, they are a hundred times better than the Party!
Some people say that Falun Gong could be used to overthrow the Party. In fact, this is a gross self-deception. The dialectic theory holds that external causes become operative through internal causes. External causes are only conditions, while internal causes are the key. If the Party really collapses, then the downfall was caused by itself. If it is not corrupt, it will not collapse. While ignoring so many holes in the administrative system and rampant corruption, the Party controls others' private, spiritual lives. Wouldn't this be considered putting the incidental before the fundamental? They do their meditation, you make your money, why must you destroy them before you can be happy?
We, the common people, have figured out that Jiang is truly afraid of Falun Gong. In order to eliminate Falun Gong, he does not hesitate to violate the Constitution, to trample on human rights, and to go against justice and conscience. Why does Jiang fear Falun Gong? He is unmoved no matter how many people lose their jobs, how chaotic public security is, and how corrupt government officials are. He fears "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" because his actions exemplify "deceit, wickedness, violence." If more and more people believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," then his "deceit, wickedness, violence" will collapse. Only by placing the two side by side can one see the difference clearly. Only when there is righteousness can one differentiate evil.
The mentioning of shooting to kill common people is reminiscent of tragedies that occurred during the violence of the Cultural Revolution. However, history is always just. Those who executed orders to promote violence and to kill people became scapegoats after the Cultural Revolution. Today, if you really listen to Jiang and turn your gun towards Falun Gong, when Falun Gong is reinstated, won't the police become scapegoats? Nowadays, one has to leave oneself a route of retreat. Even scientists dare not deny that gods exist, and we should do the same. It is well said that, "It's safer to believe than not believe that something exists."