The corrupt authorities from the Shenglibeijie police station, administrative office and residential committee following Jiang Zemin, have continued to persecute Dafa practitioners since April 25, 1999. Among them, the No. 4 residential district of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory and the residence of the Automobile Manufacture Factory persecute Dafa practitioners most brutally.
On July 20, 1999, Dafa practitioner Geng Shuqin (female, 43, an employee of the Fufei Branch of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory who has been unlawfully dismissed) and her husband Meng Zhaowen (male, 47, a worker in the repair workshop of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory) went to Beijing to defend Falun Dafa. They were arrested and sent back to the Shenglibijie Police Station. In the station, the evil policemen coerced and threatened Geng Shuqin and Meng Zhaowen to write a "Guarantee letter" [promising they will give up the practice of Falun Gong] and to hand in their Dafa books, but the couple refused. These gangsters then unlawfully broke into their home and forcibly took away over 70 Dafa books.
On October 17, 1999, eight Dafa practitioners, including Dang Lanfeng (female, 56, retired employee of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory), Wang Xiaoying (female, 57, retired employee of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory), Liu Xing (female, 58, living in the residence of the Water Pump Factory), Liu Yueyun (male, over 60, the husband of Liu Xing), Sun Qingjun (female, 25, employee of the Service Company of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory who has been illegally dismissed), Wang Hua (female, 23, the daughter of Dang Lanfeng), Zhao Hong (female, 24, a resident in the Dingzhou Division, Baoding City), and Zhang Zi'er (female, 46, living in the residence of Zhuangchao), went to Beijing together and were arrested on Tiananmen Square. In the early morning of October 19, they were sent to the Shenglibeijie Police Station. The evil policeman Zheng Qihong ordered his accomplices to forcibly handcuff them to a big column and to a tree and verbally abused them, using extremely dirty and slanderous words. During their period of detention, these practitioners were deprived of the right to eat, sleep, and to use the toilet. Early the next morning, the police sent Dang Lanfeng to the Xinle Detention Center, and all other practitioners to the Dongfenglu Detention Center for half a month of detention and Liu Yueyun was illegally detained for one month. On November 3, Dang Lanfeng was unlawfully sent to the No. 4 Team of Shijiazhuang Labor Camp to serve a 3- year term. One year later she was released. However the administrative office, police station and residential committee still often go to Dang Lanfeng's home to harass her and thus she was forced to leave her home and become homeless to escape the persecution.
On January 28, 2001, Meng Zhaowen was working in the Chemical Fertilizer Factory when the Shenglibeijie police station came and arrested him. He was illegally held in the detention center of Linshou County, Hebei Province. Later, Meng was illegally sentenced to 3 years in jail (Meng's sentence was suspended and he has returned home).
On the Chinese New Year's eve on February 4, 2000, Dafa practitioners Lu Sujun (female, 47, employee of the Automobile Manufacture Factory), Pan Shuxia (female, around 50), Hao Xiuqin (female, 58) and Liu Xing were arrested while practicing Falun Gong at the Hebei Theater. Lu Sujun was sent to the First Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City and kept there for a one month detention; Hao Xiuqin, Pan Shuxia and Liu Xing were sent to the Dongfenglu Detention Center. Because Hao Xiuqin wrote an appeal letter asking to return justice to Falun Dafa, she was fiercely beaten by Team Leader Guo (male, over 40) and Liu X (female, over 40) from Qiaodong Branch of Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau. They slapped Hao Xiuqin's ears, pushed her down and cruelly beat her several times on her two sides and in the abdomen. Hao Xiuqin, Pan Shuxia and Liu Xing started a hunger strike to request for personal freedom. As a result, they were taken back to the police station and handcuffed to a big column. Later they were sent back to the detention center and held there for half a month.
In February 2000, Hu Mingzhi (male, 49, living in No. 4 residential district of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory) was taken away by the police station and then unlawfully detained in the Lingshou County Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City for one month.
In February 2000, the police station illegally arrested Xing Guochang (male, over 60, retired employee of the Automobile Manufacture Factory) and ransacked his home without any legal documents. He was unlawfully detained in the Baoding County Detention Center of Hebei Province and then sentenced to five and half years in jail.
In March 2000, Cao Zengfen (female, 49, the wife of Hu Mingzhi, retired employee of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory who was illegally dismissed) was arrested by the police station and illegally detained in an iron cage under supervision for 22 days.
On May 13, 2000, Hao Xiuqin unfolded a banner reading "Fa (law and principles) rectifies the cosmos and the country will be in peace and its people in safety." The elderly lady was sent back to Qiaodong Branch of Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau and then illegally sentenced to five years in jail. She is now in Mancheng Prison of Baoding City, Hebei Province. On the afternoon of May 13, 2000, they used the excuse of organizing a brain-washing class and illegally detained Dafa practitioners Wen Fenglan, Wang Xiaoying, Wang Hua, Sun Qingjun, Li Xiuwen, and Hu Yachan (female, 19, the daughter of Hu Mingzhi), in a small room of the administrative office.
On May 16, the police station arrested Wang Xiaoying, Geng Shuqin, Cao Zengfen, Hu Mingzhi (Cao's husband), and Hu Yachan (Cao and Hu's daughter), and ransacked their homes without any legal document. Geng Shuqin refused such illegal ransacking of her home and thus Zheng Qihong ordered another evil policeman to slap her in the face. In the police station, they handcuffed Wang Xiaoying and Hu Yachan to a big tree. Hu Yachan was handcuffed for 2 days and nights and was not allowed to sleep. Later Cao Zengfen was illegally detained in the detention center of Xinle City, Hebei Province and was then sentenced to 5 years in jail. She is now in the Mancheng Prison in Hebei Province.
On May 13 of last year, Pan Shuxia and Liu Xing set out to appeal in defense of Falun Dafa in Beijing. They were arrested at the Shijiazhuang Railway Station and jailed in Shenglibeijie Police Station. At the police station, Liu Xing was so severely beaten that her face became deformed and her teeth were knocked loose. Pan Shuxia was also cruelly beaten when they interrogated her that night. Later, Pan was sent to the Xinle City Detention Center and jailed for over a month without trial.
On the morning of July 20, 2000, the following Dafa practitioners, Zhao Tongxiao (male, over age 40, living in the residential area of Automobile Manufacture Factory ), Lu Shujun, her husband Zhao Zhijun, Wen Fenglan (female, age 61, living in the residential area of Automobile Manufacture Factory ), Pan Shuxia, Wang Xiaoying and her two daughters Ren Yanfang (age 31) and Ren Yanzhi (age 28, living in No. 4 residential district of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory), Hu Mingzhi and his daughter Hu Yachan, and Wanghua and his daughter Dang Lanfeng, Sun Qingjun were illegally rounded up and brought to Yitang Hotel to attend a five-day anti-Dafa Brainwashing Course run by the Disciplinary Secretary Gao Shixian. Each person had to pay 289Yuan RMB for the class.
On July 20, 2000, Liu Xing went to Beijing to appeal against the injustice done to Dafa and was arrested at Tiananmen Square. She was held at the Shenglibeijie Police Station before she was transferred to No.1 Detention Center in Shijiazhuang. Now she has been sentenced to forced labor education without any legal proceedings.
In October 2000, Li Guizhen (female, age 57, living in No. 4 residential district of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory) and some other practitioners were arrested while distributing flyers. They were also jailed at the Shenglibeijie Police Station, where Li was severely beaten up by Zheng Qihong with a steel rod. Zheng grabbed Li's hair and smashed her head against a wall. Ma Shuqin (female, age 63, the vice director of the No. 4 residential district of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory) was also apprehended and jailed in No.1 Detention Center in Shijiazhuang for over a month.
One morning on January 2001, Hou Yong and Zhang San arrested Lu Shujun, Wen Fenglan, Wang Xiaoying, Hu Mingzhi, Ren Yanzhi, Wang Hua, and Sun Qingjun, and put them through an anti-Dafa Brainwashing Class, again run by Gao Shixian. The police tied Wen Fenglan to a tree for six or seven hours. Wen's hands turned blue from the cold. None of the practitioners were allowed to drink, eat or visit the toilet. The very same afternoon, they were sent to Dongfenglu Detention Center and locked up for 20 more days. These scoundrels later extorted 2,000Yuan from each practitioner's family as a condition for their release. Ten days later, some of the practitioners were released. Because Wang Hua and Sun Qingjun refused to cooperate with the evil, they were detained for 20 more days. The police extracted a total of about 16,000 Yuan in this process.
On June 4, 2001, Zhang San and some staff members of the residential committee went to Chemical Fertilizer Factory and Automobile Manufacture Factory to arrest practitioners again. Many practitioners were forced to leave their homes and their normal family life was severely disrupted.
On July 19, 2001, policeman Ren XX (male, about 30 years old) and some staff members of the residential committee arrested Meng Zhaowen, Li Guizhen and Ma Shuqin.
Zhang Fang, Liu Jianlin and Xing XX from the residential committees were extremely active in persecuting practitioners. They secretly sent people to spy on Dafa practitioners and monitor their daily activities. Many innocent practitioners were illegally arrested and sentenced to jail, hard labor, etc.
We hereby sternly warn these unlawful people: "Good will be rewarded with good and evil will meet retribution." This is the principle of Heaven. You have acted against the laws of the country and the laws of Heaven. If you do not repent, you will be judged by Heaven. We hope that you will immediately cease the persecution of Dafa practitioners and not plunge any deeper into these crimes ...
Contact Information of the Alleged Offenders:
1) Shijiazhuang Shenglibeijie Police Station
Switch Board: 86-311-6087348, 6983146
Zheng Qihong (Head, male, age over 40)- Work: 6089178. Internal lines: 6033883, 6975970-3518, pager: 7026118-1718
Hou Yong (deputy head, male, over 30): 6087348, pager: 7026118 -- 11699
Liu Yongjian - Work: 6089178, pager: 7026118-11656
Zhang Guiquan - Work: 6087348, pager: 7026118 -- 11695
Zhang San (policeman, male, over 40),
Qiao Weidong (record-keeper, male, over 30),
Zhang XX (instructor, male, over 50).
2) Shijiazhuang Shenglibeijie Administrative Office
Switch Board: 86-311-6827239
Gao Shixian (The secretary of Discipline and Inspection Committee Disciplinary, male over 40) - Work: 0311-6827239-8805 Home: 8621585, pager: 96111-102367
Shi Cunliang (male, over 40)- Work: 6814477. Internal lines: 6827239 -- 8805. Home: 6030006, pager: 191-1883228
Wang Guohui - Work: 6821054. Internal lines: 6827239 -- 8808. Home: 6988151, pager 96111- 100363
Wang Yufen - Work: 6827239 --8806. Home: 6823268 Pager: 96111 -- 100479
Zhang Yixi - Work: 6827239 --8806. Home: 6830107 Pager: 191 -- 2359810
Han Dongshen - Work: 6827239 --8826. Home: 7828702 Pager: 199 -- 31151726
Yao Qi (male, over 30)- Work: 6827239 --8826 Pager: 126-1056416
Zhao Shengguo - Work: 6827239 --8888. Home: 5055818 Pager: 96111 -- 100179
Wang Changqu - Work: 6827239 --8803. Home: 6986425 Pager: 95900 --7660
Wang Qingzhong - Work: 6827239 --8805. Home: 6972093 Pager: 96151--32790
Wang X (Deputy director, male, over 40).
3) Residential committees:
Phone number of the Chemical Fertilizer Factory Residential Committee: 86-311-6830845
Zhang Fang (The director of Chemical Fertilizer Factory Residential Committee, female, over 30),
Liu Jianlin (the secretary, male, over 30, thin and long face),
Xing X (The director of Automobile Manufacture Factory Residential Committee, male).
There are more in addition to the ones listed.
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